Engineering Manager Mikk Mangus: I didn’t choose IT, IT chose me

Hannah Peterson
Pipedrive R&D Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2022

Though working in IT was never Mikk Mangus’s goal, he ended up as an engineering manager at Pipedrive. If he’s learned one valuable lesson from his professional career, it’s to pursue (and work hard for) what you genuinely enjoy.

Pipedrive Engineering Manager Mikk Mangus

How the puzzle pieces fell into place

It all started with a rejection letter. Having good grades throughout school, Mikk decided to apply to a top university to study economics but didn’t get in. He then used the opportunity to go to an IT college, his second choice. “Looking back now, I realize how lucky I am because I had five years of IT experience and always enjoyed it, but didn’t necessarily pursue it or think of it as my profession. It almost fell into place,” he says.

Mikk worked as a programmer and software engineer at various companies before stumbling upon Pipedrive. When his friend first showed him around Pipedrive’s Tallinn office, he thought it was too good to be true. An office full of games and a fridge stocked with free smoothies and snacks — there must be a catch! Then, a few years later, the same friend told Mikk about a job opportunity at Pipedrive. He figured he’d give this too-good-to-be-true company a shot. “I’ve been here for almost four years now, and I can still say this is the best employer I’ve ever had,” Mikk continues.

Coincidence or not, Mikk grew to love his job at Pipedrive. Engineers normally don’t get to pick their tasks. Instead, they do whatever they’re asked. For Mikk, at Pipedrive, things work differently. “I feel that I’m valued as a person and as an engineer, and I’m not restricted by anything or my specific role or job title.”

As a manager, Mikk gets to interview countless applicants. One of his guidelines is Pipedrive’s core values. “Once you build a system, it starts to work on its own. Our company values exist because of our five founders: When you hire based on certain values, people act on them. The founders’ legacy lives on through this process.”

Take, for example, “Not ruining other people’s days.” This seemingly proverbial value has become one of Mikk’s favorites, although at first he could not tell the difference between the other core value “Team first”. Another value Mikk particularly likes is “Internal drive.” He believes that passion is a powerful driving force and has the first-hand experience to prove it.

Life at the office isn’t all work

When career coincides with personal life

Mikk has always been fascinated by cars, which led him to pick up a unique skill: tuning engines. “Nowadays, engines are electronically controlled, but you need to understand why they go wrong and how to tell the computer how to fix the issue.” After tuning his engine, a friend wanted Mikk to do theirs, and then the word spread like wildfire. Even though Mikk has somewhat outgrown this hobby, his inquisitive personality never fails to draw him to new challenges and opportunities to test his programming skills. Just recently, he had the idea of installing automation software at home. Instead of buying software, he got a Raspberry Pi and figured out how to set it up, configuring everything from voice-controlled light switches to electronic gates. Now everyone may start lining up at his door to make their smart home dreams come true!

Yet, Mikk’s internal drive reaches beyond programming. Another great passion of his is dancing. Mikk and his wife, Siiri Mangus — who also happens to work at Pipedrive — do a bi-weekly class, where they practice traditional folk dancing from countries like Estonia, Ukraine, Moldavia and Latvia. Though they didn’t plan to work for the same company, Pipedrive has grown over time, and Mikk has helped Siiri learn the ropes.

Mikk and Siiri at Pipedrive Summer Garage

“Even though I don’t have the credentials for it, sometimes I feel like a psychologist — and a manager! My current position isn’t about me. I’m here to guide and help people succeed,” says Mikk.

When it comes to success, Mikk has a few words to share with young developers: “People think a lot about how to advance their careers. I think you should expend more energy doing what you like and doing your best at it.” Mikk believes that if you do what you love rather than what you see other people doing, opportunities and success will follow. “When things aren’t perfect, it’s your responsibility to figure out why and try to think of a solution instead of complaining.” Reward and satisfaction will ensue and are worth the hard work.

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