Pride Month 2019: A Q&A with Mauricio Munarini

Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2020

What does Pride Month mean to you?

Every time we celebrate being proud of who you are it’s a big thing. Hiding and not trying to show yourself is not being true. I am lucky to be part of a community of belonging at Pipefy. Pride Month is a good reminder that people are constantly still struggling in their families, friendships, and at work. It’s also a reminder that it’s everyone’s responsibility to help others embrace belonging and being who they are.

What will you be doing to celebrate Pride Month?

I will be attending the Pride Parade here in Curitiba. I’ve never been to one, but it’s important to go. In our government here and people’s day-to-day lives, gays and trans people still deal with fear in Brazil. I am passionate about this and I want to spend this month reflecting on these struggles and hearing more people’s experiences.

Why should the world care about Pride Month?

This is a movement to accept everyone. It’s a time to forget your prejudice, let your mind open up and embrace someone who might be suffering and welcome them into your life. Everyone should be able to be themselves, so we need to let everyone be who they are.

What do you hope to change in your country in the next five years?

Brazil needs a government change. We don’t have the best president, for example, he just told everyone he’d rather his son be a criminal than gay. In the culture, in conversations, and everywhere there still is a lot of discrimination here. We need more media attention on these issues and stronger laws to penalize those who are practicing homophobia and racism. In the future, I hope to see a country where being gay, lesbian, etc. doesn’t define you, it just is you.

Share a time where you faced a difficult situation due to the prejudice of others:

My whole life I have seen this strong, sexist culture where men are expected to be manly. I isolated myself from my family and friends because of fear of them being unsupportive. In 2017, I found out I had cancer. While thinking about life and death during that tough journey, I decided that from now on, people would have to accept me for who I was. I decided to stop caring what others think of me, and to be confident in myself, and to help others also be confident. I am now more gracious for what I have and proud of myself.

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