3 Data Science Projects That Got Me 12 Interviews. And 1 That Got Me in Trouble.

3 work samples that got my foot in the door, and 1 that almost got me tossed out.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


Tired of the Titanic dataset and want ideas to inspire a unique, marketable portfolio? Learn how with my free project guide.

Big Trouble in neon letters.
Big Trouble graffiti logo. Photo by Nikhil Mitra on Unsplash

Analyzing My Data Science Portfolio Projects

Like many graduates, I did not have a job lined up after earning my data science master’s degree; the reason is because I didn’t apply anywhere.

For three months.

I graduated in spring time but didn’t begin my job search, in earnest, until summer.

Either fear or foresight compelled me to believe I wasn’t ready, and that emotion drove me to invest the hours I wasn’t working an hourly job at a local hotel into crafting a marketable, desirable data science portfolio.

When I receive comments and LinkedIn messages with questions related to breaking into the data industry, my first tip is always to create a GitHub-hosted portfolio that you can use as a professional calling card.

Bonus points if you create engaging documentation or share that content on a platform like Medium or LinkedIn to connect with…



Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Journalist—>Sr. Data Engineer; helping you target, land and excel in data-driven roles.