Creating The Dashboard That Got Me A Data Analyst Job Offer

A walkthrough of the Udemy dashboard that got me a job offer from one of the biggest names in academic publishing.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


Tired of the Titanic dataset and want ideas to inspire a unique, marketable portfolio? Learn how with my free project guide.

Tableau dashboard featuring Udemy data.
Dashboard comparing MOOC hosting platform Udemy to its competitor, MIT-affiliated Edx. Credit: Author.

On this and any other platform I purposefully avoid meta content, that is, content about content for the purpose of being, well, content.

So, I hope you’ll excuse me while I break that rule for one second.

After writing consistently for a few months I was shocked and humbled to see one of my stories outperforming the others.

If my story data is to be believed than you likely found this piece after reading about my efforts to compile personal projects and the lesson I learned when I went too far. If you haven’t, feel free to give it a read.

After seeing the finished products included in the story, a few commenters requested code for the…



Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Journalist—>Sr. Data Engineer; helping you target, land and excel in data-driven roles.