Simple Fixes for BigQuery Data Engineering Worst-Case Scenarios

How knowing a few SQL and Google Cloud Console tricks can save your mental health and maybe even your job.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


If you’re like me, you might find that beginning your first data engineering job is a scary proposition. In addition to suffering from a bit of imposter syndrome initially, as most tech newbies do, I found that I was nervous when it came to being granted full access to my organization’s data warehouse.

Scrabble tiles with ‘Order’ and ‘Chaos.’
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I was even more nervous since I work remotely and felt that there would be no one watching over my shoulder to ensure I didn’t accidentally alter important datasets, tables and other vital company assets.

For my first few months I had an irrational fear that, through some physics-defying action, I would delete terabytes of data, be ridiculed and be promptly shown the door.

The cure for this doubt and unfounded fear? I made the mistakes I feared (not the one about deleting an entire data warehouse, luckily). In the process, I determined that if you’re resourceful and calm, there is a sort of control-z process for undoing nearly every mistake a new data engineer can make.

To that end, in my first six months on the job, I managed to:

