The 35 Line SQL Query That Powers A Top 3 SQL Publication’s Analytics

A behind-the-scenes look at the “making of” data analytics infrastructure for a top 3 Medium SQL publication.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


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The overlap between journalism and data science is surprising but logical. In journalism school professionals taught me to dig deep, procure the best information and present an accurate, cohesive final product for an audience to easily understand. Though my medium is now data and a scripting language’s code, I still strive to produce work that is understandable and accurate for an end user.

At work, my end user is a stakeholder or leadership within the organization. Off the clock, when I build out infrastructure, I’m only accountable to myself. And while I’ve written about my efforts to develop and streamline reporting for this publication, I wanted to highlight similar work I did in conjunction with my peers at Learning SQL.

Quick plug: Learning SQL is a one-stop SQL resource for SQL developers at all skill levels, with a particular emphasis on beginner and intermediate learning content. Along with co-founder Andreas Martinson (and now co-editor Earle), I helped shape the publication into its present state, a growing SQL community that’s cracked the top 3 within Medium’s SQL tag.



Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Journalist—>Sr. Data Engineer; helping you target, land and excel in data-driven roles.