What is PipelineSpace.com?

Ricardo Humberto Vivanco Effio
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2019


PipelineSpace, a Cloud development platform that simplifies adoption and accelerates the creation and deployment of multi-cloud applications for your organizations.

Our philosophy is to help bootstrap your projects with what you need using our custom stacks. We also strive to introduce best patterns and practices. PipelineSpace currently supports one stack app path with React, Angular, Asp.Net Core Web App and Serverless Function with azure and lambda. Each stack build a pipeline for continuous integration and continuous deployment that can be deployed to cloud providers (AWS, Azure).

What We Do?

Managing continuous integration and continuous delivery has been always the response for teams who want to reduce problems of delivery, control statistics of development/testing, assure the quality of the new features moving forward to production environments, etc. Usually all this process is managed by a special professional or team who have had some experience in DevOps practices. Also, this process normally takes some time to put in place, and it depends on the experience of the professional who takes over it.

These automated processes add strong value to the development/operation teams. No doubt over it. But, sometimes companies would like to adopt this faster because of their needs.

PipelineSpace was created to solve those scenarios were companies want to adopt the continuous integration/delivery and cloud faster with the goal to focus on what really matters at the end of the day, develop the functionality of the business domain.

How It Works?

PipelineSpace has developed a portal where you can manage your organizations, projects, features, environments, etc.

What you need is a github/vsts account (where your code is going to be stored) and a aws/azure account (where your code is going to be delivered). That’s all. PipelineSpace manage all the processes over the base of templates. You are going to find available templates for different frameworks and clouds, but also you can build your own templates that fit your needs.

Get Started Today

PipelineSpace are available now.

