3 Big Problems with Social Media as a News Source (and the Solution)

Shashank Agarwal
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2020

It’s no surprise that social media platforms are serving as virtual newsstands. If news is meant to travel fast than there’s no faster informational highway than social media. However, there are three fundamental concerns about consuming news from social feeds. The articles are often limited to your friends’ circle, not relevant to your interests, and come from untrusted sources.

Thankfully, there is a new way to retake control of your news feed without reviving newspaper subscriptions.

3 Main Reasons You Should Rethink Social Media as a News Source

There are plenty of reasons you should turn away from social media for news and information, but here are the top three that should be enough to convince you to look elsewhere.

News Limited to Your Friends’ Circle

Regardless of how many friends, follows, or followers you have online, social media platforms rely heavily on shared information. What appears in your social media feed, therefore, is greatly controlled by your friends and follows. Instead of controlling your news feed, you are at the mercy of your friends clicking ‘Share’.

Social media is great for connecting you with like-minded people, but it does fall short in broadening your horizons. It also falls short in challenging your intellect further with the same old basic information circulating your social feeds. You need to be able to easily target new ideas and dive deeper into your interests.

Articles Not Relevant to Your Interests

You probably have a lot in common with your social media friends, but articles of special interest to you are probably far and few between. Sure, there’s plenty of posts on parenting, exercise, and food, but is that all there is to read about? What if you want to go beyond the basics of those topics? For instance, you want to learn more about healthy food but only want articles for picky eaters. There is a blog for that! But you’re likely not going to come across it on social media.

And what if you have less-mainstream interests you want to learn more about? Let’s say you are more interested in articles about coding and artificial intelligence than what exercises will tighten your buns. Unless the majority of your friends share your interest, your social media feed will rarely offer relevant content.

Untrusted Sources

There’s a reason #FakeNews is always trending. Social media is chock full of articles that are chock full of false information. And the inaccuracies are not limited to traditional news and politics. There are countless “experts” on social media that promote their opinions as truth. Not to mention the trolls and pranksters who purposely spread fake news. And unfortunately, everybody is guilty of sharing articles before validating their authenticity.

A Better Information and News Source than Social Media

The obvious solution to consuming higher quality information is to go directly to sources you trust and are interested in. But unfortunately, that takes quite a lot of digging and jumping between apps, websites, and blogs. Thankfully, there’s a more user-friendly solution.

Like you, we were concerned and wanted a better way to connect with blogs, news, and our hobbies. So, we developed Pipfeed. In the same way your favorite music app customizes your music based on your interests, Pipfeed customizes your reading material.

Pipfeed is a personal reading app that connects you with articles and blog posts based on your interests. Our AI technology recommends the top blogs and delivers the best articles straight to your personalized Pipfeed. Visit our website to download the free app today.

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