Pippi Finance Weekly Report #10

Pippi Finance
Pippi Shrimp Swap
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2021

(May 27th — June 2nd)

I. Pippi Finance Update

TVL: $36,446,262

Total $PIPI Supply: 33,983,634

Distributed Market Value: $9,514,020

Total $PIPI Burned Since Launch: 18,074,203

Current Pipi Farm: 29 Pairs

Pippi Farm: https://app.pippi.finance/farms

Current xPipi Pool: Stake $xPIPI to get 5 airdrop tokens

xPipi Pool: https://app.pippi.finance/xpipi


Liquidity: $39,879,249

Volume: $5,608,509

PippiSwap Info: https://info.pippi.finance/home

Pippi NFT

Remaining NFT: 821

Get your first Pippi NFT: https://app.pippi.finance/nft

II. Market Update

-Pippi Finance has formed pool cooperation with GoodBank

On May 31st, Pippi Finance and GoodBank has opened new staking paris. User can stake xPIPI to ean HGB, stake HGB-USDT LP to earn PIPI.

Check the staking information here: https://app.pippi.finance/xpipi

- PIPI LOGO Contest

On May 31st, Pippi finance held PIPI Logo contest, 10,000 PIPI reward to selected Logo designer. LOGO contest will end at June 30th.

Check the detials here: https://medium.com/pippi-shrimp-swap/pippi-logo-design-contest-bec3c7662c78

- Pippi Finance has formed a cooperation with Phala Network

On June 2rd, Pippi Finance has formed a cooperation with Phala Network that trustless and private computation cloud with blockchain technologies.

Users can stake xPIPI to earn PHA, and stake PHA-USDT to earn PIPI

Check the staking information here: https://app.pippi.finance/xpipi

III. Community Update

Twitter: 3,627

English Telegram Group: 9,143

Chinese Telegram Group: 1,416

On June 1st, Pippi Finance has held a giveaway for celebrating the children’s day. 50winners can win 20 PIPI each. Here is the winner list:



















































Now the winners can PM your Heco wallet address to

@pippishrimpswap on Twitter. Rewards will distribute before June 6th

About Pippi Finance

Pippi Finance is a DEX and Automatic Market-making Mechanism (AMM) project driven by the Heco, which allows everyone to exchange various Heco tokens efficiently and securely.

· Pippi Website

· Pippi Finance Twitter and Telegram Channel (For the latest news)

· Pippi Finance Medium (For the latest articles)

· English Telegram Community: English and 中文

· Pippi Finance GitHub (For the full set of code)

· Pippi Finance WeChat:



Pippi Finance
Pippi Shrimp Swap

Pippi Finance-the next evolution DeFi exchange on HECO.