Pippi Mining Reward Introduction

Latest Update: May 8th, 2021

Pippi Finance
Pippi Shrimp Swap
1 min readMay 8, 2021


Before Farm Rewards Production (before April 14)

Basic Release: 20 $PIPI per block

Actual Distribution: 20 $PIPI per block

  • 75% is allocated to Pippi Farm (Liquidity Mining), 20 $PIPI *75%=15 $PIPI per block
  • 25% is allocated to Staking Pool(PIPI single token mining), that is, 20 $PIPI*25%=5 $PIPI per block

After Farm Rewards Production (After April 14)

Basic Release: 20 $PIPI per block

Actual Distribution: 12.5 $PIPI per block, ie 20*75%*50%+20*25%=12.5 $PIPI per block

  • 75% is allocated to Farm (liquid mining), the output is halved, that is, 20*75%*50%=7.5 $PIPI per block
  • 25% is allocated to Staking (PIPI single currency pledge mining), that is, 20*25%=5 $PIPI per block

Production Reduction Part: 7.5 $PIPI per block, that is, 20*75%*50%=7.5 $PIPI per block

  • Destruction schedule: Destroyed once a week, starting from May, the weekly destruction time will be fixed on the weekend;

The amount of destruction each time is the total amount of production reduction accumulated during the cycle.

Burn Address: https://hecoinfo.com/tx/0xbea3ce35fd22cde00cc6dc84597812bce962f54dbc8f2c76dbcff6767585a464

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Pippi Finance
Pippi Shrimp Swap

Pippi Finance-the next evolution DeFi exchange on HECO.