How to mine Pirate step-by-step with GPU`s and ASIC`s

Pirate Chain
Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2018

This guide will help you to start mining Pirate with your GPU`s and ASIC`s and feel the joy of staying anonymous from the start to the end

Let’s Dive right in!

Download the latest Agama wallet and extract it to a random directory.

If you choose the Agama Installer, the Agama App will guide you through the process or you can compile the wallet yourself from the source code of course.

Double-click on the Agama App (the installer made an Icon on your Desktop)

Currently the only option to activate Pirate in the wallet is through the Quick Access tab.

Click on Activate Coin

Search in the Drop-down menu for Pirate

You can save the current selection for easier access or if you want to activate more coins at once besides Pirate in the future through the Drop-down menu beside the “+ Icon”

When you have chosen your selection, hit Activate Coin

The wallet will open Komodod in the background and depending on your Firewall settings, a window will pop up were the Firewall will ask you, if you trust the program and if you would allow the program to open up connections and connect to other peers. As the wallet is safe to use of course, you may proceed.

As Pirate is only available in Native Mode, the wallet will download the whole blockchain data to the disk. This process will take some time, depending on your hardware and connection speed. The wallet will show you the progress in % and the current block count.

— — — — —

To speed up the Synchronization process, you can download the latest Pirate bootstrap here → go to %appdata% → Komodo → Pirate and extract the files into this folder. Please close the Agama App before you go through this process and open it like described above after it.

— — — — —

You´ll need a new unique receiving Z-address, where your mining rewards will get sent to.
Next click on the receive tab.

In this tab, click on Get New AddressPrivate (Z) Address

A new receiving address will get added to your wallet.
Rember your address, you´ll need it shortly.

Guide for ASIC

There are currently 3 ASIC`s on the market, each with their own specifications.

Bitmain Z9 mini
Advertised Hashrate: 10 kSol/s
Overclocked Hashrate: Depending on the Batch, around 13–17 kSol/s

Bitmain Z9
Advertised Hashrate: 41 kSol/s
Overclocked/adjusted Hashrate (3rd Party): around 50–60 kSol/s

Innosilicon A9 Master
Advertised Hashrate: 50 kSol/s

I will guide you through the set up of an Bitmain Equihash miner, the guide is also applicable to the Z9 master, but it has a different management console than Bitmain`s.

Setup your ASIC and start it as it says in the miner manual.

To find the internal IP address of you miner you can download an IP-scanner here.
Type in the IP address in your browser and a popup will be shown, where you have to type in your username and password (in case of the Bitmain ASIC, its usual Root as username and Root as password)

You now have access to the control panel

To start earning those sweet sweet anonymous ARRR, you have to click on the Miner Configuration tab

URL: The pool website:Port (scroll down for a list of pools)
Worker: Your Pirate address
Password: leave blank if unspecified by the pool operator

There are several pools to choose from.

Please check
for the current list of active pools.

Click Apply — the miner will restart and start hashing on the specified pool in a couple of minutes

You can check the current/average Hashrate, uptime, temperatur and most important, the connection to the pool under the Miner status tab

You can check your current earnings and hashrate on the most pools itself with your pirate address → Pool website → Worker Stats → Worker lookup → copy paste your pirate address

Guide for GPU

There are a lot of miner-programs that you can use for the equihash algorithm, which the Pirate blockchain is built is built on:
- BMiner
- Lolminer for AMD
(to name just a few)
Which miner you choose is up to you, you can try all and settle down on the one, which suites you the most or where you got more rewards.
Download one of these to your computer and don’t worry, they will be safe to run, despite the virus warnings that will show up later on. Just click “Run Anyway” when prompted. Download one and extract everything to your preferred folder.

There are several pools to choose from.

Please check
for the current list of active pools.

What you need from the mining pool website are a few things…

  • Server — Find one in your region (EU, Asia, USA)
  • Port — “Eg. 8888” Different pools sometimes use different ports for different difficulties depending on your rig. This info can be found on the front page of the mining pool website or the “getting started” page.
  • Rig ID (optional) — Some pools allow a rig ID, this allows you as a miner to identify different rigs on the same pool. You can assign any rig id after your address by entering {Your Pirate address}.ARRR1 or whatever you want your rig to appear as on the website.

We will use EWBF miner as an example for the configuration. If you want to use another miner, you have to adjust the settings for the specific miner.

We need to go in the folder you extracted your miner to. Inside this folder, right click and create a new text document.
In that document, you will need to type the following for EWBF:

zm — -server {Enter the regional server from the mining pool you chose}
- -port {Port number from the mining pool}
- -user {YourPirateAddressHere.YourRigName}
- -color {leave blank}

Now, “save as” and give it a file name and at the end type .bat so for example GPUPirate.bat, then below that change it from text document to all files in the dropdown.

Click save.
Now, a new file should appear in your miner folder with some gears on it and the name you just gave it.

Clicking this should take you to the miner screen and you are off and running!
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below.

Most times, there is a example batch file in the download folder of the miner. Just replace the example inputs with your inputs, save it and you are also good to go.

Please visit the Komodo discord, if you need further help, have suggestions for other guides or just want to talk about Pirate stuff with us. ARRR ,)

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