How to move your Pirate to a safe new address with Verus-Agama

Pirate Chain
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

We are all shocked by the recent news that hit us regarding the vulnerability in Agama wallet.

Every Agama user who entered mnemonic seed or private key into Agama in the past few months are potentially at risk of their funds being stolen.
While it is very unlikely to affect Pirate in any way let’s not take any chances, and see how to secure the funds you have.

What you’ll need to to, is to create a new ZS address, in any other Pirate Wallet (PirateOcean, KomodoQT, Verus-Agama) in this example, I will show you how to do the latter.

Download Verus-Agama Wallet from GitHub

Activate Pirate in Native mode, and let the chain sync.

Go to Receive tab, and click Get New Address (Private Address Sapling), make a note of this new address, and copy the private key as well, you will need it.

Go to the Send tab and send all funds to the newly created address.
Do not close the wallet, until it is finished. For larger amounts with many inputs, it can take longer than usual.

When the funds are received on the new ZS address, and you have you private key saved for the new address, you can now close Verus-Agama and remove/rename or move the wallet.dat file. I suggest to rename it just in case you might need it.
Location of the file are the following:
Windows: %appdata%\Komodo\PIRATE\
Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Komodo/PIRATE/
Linux: ~/.komodo/PIRATE/

Now that you have your old wallet.dat renamed or moved, start up
Verus-Agama again, wait for the chain to sync, then click Import key on top of the window.
Enter your private key for the new address in the WIF field on the bottom, toggle “Trigger Rescan” and click “Import”

This will rescan the blockchain for transactions related to your new address, so be patient and let it finish.

If everything went well, you now have a safe new wallet.dat and a new ZS address for Pirate, and you should be able to see your full balance.

The process is very similar in PirateOcean and QT.
Get new address, save secret key, send to new address, move old wallet.dat, import secret key to new wallet.dat, resync, backup new wallet.dat .

If you have any trouble and need help moving your funds, please visit our Discord’s #wallet-support channel.

