How to run a PirateChain and Komodo full node on the Nodl

Pirate Chain
Published in
6 min readApr 13, 2019
So, you’re “in it for the tech”, right? Well it’s time to put your digital money where your mouth is.

This is a step by step guide on how to setup and run a Komodo and PirateChain full node. The reasons for running a full node are well worth it, and there is a lot of literature on this already if you wish to read more. Strengthening the network consensus, privacy and security being the most important. These instructions are specifically for the Nodl, which you can buy here(using this link supports the dev who made this ALL possible and costs you nothing extra, so DO IT PLEASE!!!).
The crew is a group of devs working on a new open source full node project. It is the only consumer grade one that we are aware of that is open source, unlike the CasaHodl. The Nodl crew has made a full node box designed to be a BTC full node, Lightning Node and BTCPay server all with one touch TOR connectivity. It’s really something amazing and special. The team spared no expense in creating this beauty. Currently, it can run MUCH MORE Than just BTC. We also have KMD and ARRR running all at once without breaking a sweat.

In my opinion, stickers are mandatory.

The machine seen running here, (with optional sticker) is a very discreet and sleek looking unit.
It measures 4.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 inches and only needs power and a network cable. I assume one could run it with a wireless wi-fi adapter as well. It has an SD card port and 4 usb ports.

There is a 500GB and a 1TB option on the sales page.

I have about as much dev and technical skill as a lab rat, and I acted as such while Radix42, one of our lead developers, treated me as such. Thank you for your help Pirate Queen! If I can do this, ANYONE can! She is always working on more ports so if your project isn’t ported yet, so follow her to stay tuned!

Let’s get stARRRted!

I am going to start this guide from the point where you have already setup your nodl and you have it running. You will need to SSH into your nodl and access the interface through a terminal like Termius or Putty. I used Termius and will reference it from here on out as I am more familiar with it.

Step one using Termius for your interface.
  • You need to add your nodl to your interface by opening Termius and clicking “New Host”. Label it however you wish, I used Nodl in this guide, the address here will be the IP address that you setup up the nodl on your network. The first time you set it up, the default login is: root , and the default password is: nodl1234.
    This will get you logged into the nodl and take you to the screen below.
Being “Developmentally” challenged, I always feel like a hacker when I am presented with this screen.
  • Type: passwd in the prompt above and hit enter. Password is most important. Please make it difficult as this will be your private safe connection to the network. Standard security procedures like using 12 or more alphanumerics and characters in non sequential order is preferred.
    DO NOT LOSE THIS!!! Once you are done type exit then enter, and again if it does not close the window.
  • We will now log back into the nodl through Termius with the new root and password you decided on from the step above and the screen should look the same as above. Once you are logged in you are going to add a Komodo user by entering the following:

adduser - -home /opt/komodo komodo

You will now be prompted to add/change your password. It can be the same or different than the one used to login to the nodl. The rest of the info it asks for, name, room, work, home, other, can all remain empty. Next type:


Once this is done type this to get your prompt to change:

cd /usr/local/bin

Now type this and you will receive some feedback as it unpacks the archive:

tar xzvf /root/komodo*

Now to switch to the Komodo root user by typing:

su - komodo

You will now download the Pirate profile by typing this:


Nothing will show up when you type this below but things will happen:

cat pirate-profile >> .profile

Next type:


Followed up again with:

su - komodo

Now for the big download, type the following and many files will begin to download:

Give it a few minutes and let it do what it does. Once you get back to the prompt, type:

nano .komodo/komodo.conf

This will bring up a text editor. The only thing you want to enter here is:


Then input Ctrl+O to save, and Ctrl+X to exit.

Now to spin up Komodo and Pirate! For each chain you will enter the command below:


Komodo is now syncing!

And then…


Pirate is now syncing, not to be confused with sinking which is generally bad for pirates.

PirateChain and Komodo are both now syncing on your nodl!
That is it!
You can type exit twice here to exit your SSH terminal and be happy knowing you are doing your part to support the network!

Real life image of you right now!

Thanks for making it this far and for supporting a TRULY decentralized network! This type of hardware distribution is critical for network strength, stability and immutability.

Thank you for your support.

“running bitcoin” like Hal Finney, but also “running komodo and pirate”
FishyGuts in true Pirate form!

For more on our project visit

This guide was written by FishyGuts @2ndoldest on Twitter@FishyGuts#5085 on discord. He is one of the captains on the pirate ship of privacy, PirateChain. $ARRR is a privacy coin with 100% private peer to peer sends only. No outside user activity will compromise your privacy or activity on the chain. We are always glad to talk about the project so please reach out!

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