Invisible, anonymous, private, PIRATE

The difference between a transparent blockchain and Piratechain

Pirate Chain
3 min readDec 23, 2018


Blockchain technology is seen as groundbreaking and, according to experts, is supposed to eclipse everything that has existed before.

The blockchain industry is regularly making progress. Everybody tries to realize his ideas and to make the Use-Case suitable for the masses.

The most common use case are the transactions of crypto money. Even if crypto currencies have not yet established themselves on the free market, it will only be a matter of time before Bitcoin, Komodo and Co. are adopted and accepted.

One of the biggest problems with blockchains is the lack of data protection. If you look at the BTC transactions, you can always draw conclusions about sender and receiver. Who sent when and how much, all this gives a transparent address (Public Key). This means that if I know your address, I know when and how much and to whom you have made a transaction. I don’t care what you have in your account. But there are people who are interested. Even if it is only to create a profile of you to check your buying behavior or to monitor you. This invasion of privacy is already taking place. And it will get worse in the future. Already there are companies that offer institutions to find out everything about an address. Exchanges are obliged to surrender your data at the request of certain instances if you have registered on an exchange that participates in the know-your-customer principle.

Let’s look at a standard public transaction in the Bitcoin Explorer.

We can see data such as size, times and the fairy and the amount of BTC sent and received on the other side. We see transparent and public addresses that can be further analyzed. One can draw conclusions about sender and receiver. Since one address can be assigned to the cold-wallet of Bitfinex, it is possible to draw conclusions about the person of the other address.

Let’s have a look at the Bitfinex address:

Not bad what? If it was your address, would you want everyone to know how much BTC you have?

Do you want your data to be public to everyone? If you move on transparent blockchain, you pay with your data. That’s the difference to a private blockchain.

Pirate is such a private blockchain. And Pirate is more than that. While data can still be read on other private chains or data protection is only optional, Pirate is invisible. Pirate does not release data, no metadata can be read. Thus no conclusions can be drawn about the user. Nobody cares how much money you have in your wallet. PIRATEchain and the coin ARRR stand for absolute anonymity and data protection.

Let’s have a look at a transaction in Pirate’s Explorer.

We see in itself only things, with which one cannot draw conclusions. We neither see a PublicKey nor do we see the amount of the transaction. Even if someone knows your address, no one can see your balance. With PIRATEchain you are invisible.

Check your own address in Explorer and see for yourself:

Protect your privacy and don’t believe that crypto currencies are anonymous. Only late it was realized that the blockchain as such, is not anonymous. Privacy Coins try to solve the problem. Pirate is such a privacy coin and has solved this problem.

Invisible, anonymous, private. PIRATE!

Further Links:

Twitter: @PirateChain



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