Komodo Notary Node Elections 2019

Pirate gets 3 places as Notary Node Operators

Pirate Chain
2 min readMay 15, 2019


The election period for this year’s Komodo Notary Node elections ended on 14th May 2019. Although the result has not yet been officially confirmed, all 3 nodes with which Pirate participated were elected.

Pirate gets 3 places as Notary Node Operators

Pirate received 1,303,033 votes for the European region, making Pirate the market leader in Europe, which is irrelevant as the first 8 places in a region are awarded as junctions. But it shows and proves how strong and big the popularity of the community is.

Besides Pirate, Voskcoin, chmex, phba2061, node-9, and1–89, cryptoeconomy and komodopioneers have made it.

For North America Pirate is also at the starting line. 964,556 votes were cast, which makes it third place in the NA region for Pirate. Other candidates are madmax, lukechilds, chainmakers, computergenie, dragonhound, strob and d0ct0r.

Place 5 with 922,967 votes it ended up in the Asian-Russian region (AR). Other candidates elected were: madmax, indenodes, tonyl, decker, alright, gt and etszombi.

Pirate did not participate in the SH region, but even there, well-known users from the community were elected. On behalf of all pirates congratulate all future nodes.

What are the tasks of a notary node?

The NNs are responsible for the security, interoperability and decentralisation of the Komodo ecosystem. Thus, all notary nodes have a great responsibility for the KMD ecosystem.

What services do the notary nodes receive?

In approximately each notary node can earn approximately 50 KMD per day, that makes approximately 1500 KMD per month. On the other hand, there are also expenses for security, hardware and electricity. Pirate will put 50% of its rewards into the further development of Pirate. Pirate thus has an additional source of income that will drive the Pirate project forward.

Further information will follow in the coming days. If anyone has any questions, our captains MrLynch and FishyGuts are always ready to help.

Discord: @FishyGuts#5085 / @mrlynch#5735

Twitter: @PirateChain / @PirateChainUK

E-mail: marketing@pirate.black / mrlynch@protonmail.ch

Many thanks to MrLynch and FishyGuts for their strong commitment. In the sense, a loud ARRR for the mateys and a loud ARRR for the community!

Click on the following link to see the complete results of the elections.





Best Regards Seko1900

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