Pirate Chain Monthly Update June 2023 Recap

Pirate Chain
5 min readJul 7, 2023


Ahoy pirates! The community is on the move as always navigating the Pirate Chain ship through the waters. We are preparing for a few events in the next months and in 2024 as development continues.

Over the past month, fantastic wallet updates have improved the effectiveness and quickness of our Treasure Chest wallet. The wARRR bridge is still down since Polarity Exchange is undergoing management changes, although both teams are working on fixes; regrettably, there is no estimated time of arrival for this improvement.

Captain Draeth invited all pirates to participate in the upcoming marketing activities planned for the pirate chain in his monthly report. He also invited everyone to check out the new wallet improvements, give us a shout, and let us know what you think or if you encounter any problems.


Treasure Chest Mandatory Update

On GitHub, Treasure Chest v5.7.4 is now available. This dPoW hard fork upgrade is required. By June 30, 2023, users were instructed to upgrade their wallets. If you haven’t, please do so right now so that your wallet can work correctly. Only Treasure Chest and CLI wallets are required to install this update. Updates are not required for mobile or Lite Wallet. https://github.com/PirateNetwork/pirate/releases/tag/v5.7.4

Upcoming Events

Null:404 and Pirate Party in Vegas

Pirates will be joining forces with the Null:404 Cyber Security group for a party in Las Vegas on August 11 at the Linq hotel. This pirate party takes place during the week of DEF CON. Please join the null-404-pirate-party channel under community-projects in the Pirate Chain Discord or the Null:404 Cyber Security Discord for more information about the party location. We’ll have food and beverages and we’ll party Pirate style! (Bring your pirate hat and eye patch and be ready to parrrty!) Warelock will also be conducting informal talks, demos, and training sessions about Pirate Chain and the Pirate hardware wallet.


Ahoy Pirates! Pirate Chain will have an exhibitor booth at the Bear Arms N’ Bitcoin Freedom and Technology conference on October 7–8 in Austin, Texas. All Pirates, makers, and cypherpunks are welcome! Register at: https://beararmsnbitcoin.com/

Solarpunk Summit

Although Pirate Chain is more lunarpunk, we will have a Pirate Chain booth at the Solarpunk Summit festival on October 12–16 in Kingsbury, Texas. Solarpunk is a lovely future world where technology, environment, and the person are all in balance. There will be performances, talks, workshops, and music as well as kid activities and camping. This year’s theme is Eclipse: From Darkness into Light, bridging both the solarpunk and lunarpunk aesthetics of being transparent in the light versus dark in the shadows. https://solarpunksummit.com/



Are you looking for music production services or guitar lessons? Visit Venmusica.com, one of our newest ARRRmada merchants. Now taking payment in the form of ARRR!


Hardware Wallet

Get the most secure portable device out there that is capable of processing zkSNARKs transactions, as required by Pirate Chain ARRR. The introductory price is still up for grabs! Launch price: $280 for the first 100 units, thereafter $330.
— International shipping included. https://barrrter.com/ad/details/pirate-chain-hardware-wallet

Pirate Chain Hawaiian Shirt

Prepare for summer with this soft, airy shirt made of premium cotton that is comfy and kind to the skin. In the sweltering summer, this thin fabric can offer a cool and comfortable wearing experience. Get it here with ARRR: https://barrrter.com/ad/details/pirate-chain-hawaiian-shirt-green-with-white-skulls

Pirate Life Casino

Online Casino and Lottery

NOTICE: The casino website is still offline. Do not send ARRR into the Casino until Polarity’s team resolves to open their Gateway Service. Otherwise, your funds will not land and you’ll be on standby for an uncertain period of time.

Social Media

Monthly Project Update June 2023

A June packed with wallet updates to make them more effective, quicker, and cooler, according to Captain Draeth! The new Polarity Exchange management situation, the work to make wARRR bridge back on, as well as a small market study, were delivered in this chat by our captain. He calls on all users to give us a shout if they encounter any issues and encourages all pirates to join efforts in the upcoming marketing events scheduled for the pirate chain.

Pirate Daily Dose

Watch this brief yet informative video to learn why privacy in the crypto sphere is a basic requirement. Share this with all of your doubtful maxi friends and with everyone else as well.

Pirate Chain is the most Anonymous Alternative Money

For some quick pirate money inspiration, watch this short video!

Pirate Daily Dose

Learn how to perform a QR transaction using Pirate Chain’s Treasure Chest Wallet in this brief video, and see for yourself how privacy remains in place throughout. Ahoy!

Final Words

The battle for your privacy keeps growing larger and more intense. With no end in sight to the reckless printing of fiat money, escalating taxes, and regulations that are simply pure insanity. Pirate Chain is here to reclaim our financial freedom. we are here to lead the new way society must integrate. A means through which we can live in peace, have unrestricted access to open markets and have total control over our personal finances and money.

Freedom is here; take it!

Sail with us!






