Pirate Chain Monthly Update November 2023 Recap.

Pirate Chain
6 min readDec 11, 2023


Greetings Pirates! Last week saw the implementation of the Verus Project’s vARRR testnet debut! We launched a Black Friday marketing campaign. Everybody is welcome to attend the monthly Twitter Space meetings that are hosted by the community and team members. A well-thought-out campaign is being developed to increase Pirate Chain’s strength and popularity. The team members and the community are becoming more and more integrated, planning and working side by side with shared objectives in their hearts and minds. Ahoy!

Project update

vARRR Testnet Launch and Bridge Integration

We’re excited to announce the launch of the vARRR Testnet, a major step towards enhancing the Pirate Chain & Verus ecosystems. This Testnet introduces the Bridge.vARRR currency, opening up new possibilities for seamless cross-chain interactions. Get ready for a thrilling experience with live updates, the power of staking with Verus ID. unlocking additional opportunities for earning rewards and contributing to the security of the network and an evolving platform at https://varrr.pirate.black/

(please note that the site is a work in progress). There are 10 Million vARRR issued. All vARRR are 100% backed by ARRR. 10 Million ARRR is already locked in a z address. Viewing key is below. You can run the following command in you Treasure Chest wallet Debug Console to verify the funds are there.

z_importviewingkey zxviews1qvmhdzarqyqqpqrgheu7zc4ceh6lefcnczymwqu8mr05ngajmvyxxqsmjx72e8t53jnlkcjwtvs6f5agjxpt7h955d8ps4pfzsvuju2a49gafmz3fvgnkf03h5eaqqc7wqfxv6fwm5ft59gxffvxs7q5mtd9y03uuskq607qpc0jn8wfvxe4vdqcwjaypqy5gkgxrkh7zh5t5ndqqtqne9w2s4rd8fx7vz6rg9mtfn5908jh09s382gast0dh8nmwvgwsn4plmww4gqkeyp2k yes 2648978

Dive Deeper into vARRR Details:

Explore the Verus Coin Wiki page for comprehensive insights into creating IDs, Staking, Mining, and more — https://wiki.verus.io/#!index.md

For a user-friendly experience, download the testnet labeled version here. Kindly note that you must fully synchronize the Verus Testnet daemon from the coin activation menu before initiating vARRR from the PBaaS chain list — https://github.com/VerusCoin/Verus-Desktop/releases/tag/v1.1.2-1-testnet


Mariposa Freedom Festival

Ahoy Pirates!Our first mate, Amy Voluntary, is on a roll! She just made Pirate Chain present at yet another event in the Puerto Vallarta sands! accompanied by our pal Matt Welsh, a.k.a. BLUVNBU. They proudly carried the privacy and freedom flag and shared their knowledge with all event guests there. We salute you ambassadors of freedom! Ahoy!


Bending Reality™

Check out Michael Stephens awesome work! he has worked with and personally helped thousands of people. During the course of that counseling Michael developed the Bending Reality Program™ and Bending Reality TV™. The original intent of Bending Reality TV is to help the world. And while the full TV show still hasn’t aired, hundreds of hours of media have been created. You can help him out by donations with ARRR!https://bendingreality.is/DONATE/

Xed’s Emporium

Ahoy Pirate! Check out this new ARRRmada member e-commerce store and buy original designs on t-shirts and apparel online including Etsy, Amazon, CafePress & RedBubble. https://www.etsy.com/shop/xedsemporium

A-Computer Service

Do you have problems with your computer? Or do you require assistance for your media-related work? Consult an expert online for assistance! With more than 25 years of excellent experience, Artto will clone, repair, remove malware, and conduct other tasks with the patience and guidance of a master because he also helps you transition to Linux. Pay him with ARRR here. https://qortal.link/ACS/EN

What the Finance

Check out this fascinating media source; it contains viewpoints that aren’t influenced by any financial institutions. It comes with everything, including markets, cryptocurrency, equities, and the world economy. Enjoy it and donate some ARRR love! https://whatthefinance.com/


ARRR Hardware Wallet

Now with a new software upgrade giving you the capacity to control it from a PC running Linux/OS X or Windows and Mac OS X support added to it! This portable device is the most secure out there, capable of processing zkSNARKs transactions, as required by Pirate Chain ARRR. Access to this unit is protected with a root-of-trust setup that starts in the boot ROM at power-up, through all the boot phases, and up to the pirate authenticator application. Get it here with $ARRR: https://barrrter.com/ad/details/pirate-chain-hardware-wallet

Certified Electrician. Stockholm, Sweden

Also a handy help with renovations Our electrician pal has over 20 years of experience in the construction business. He can help you with anything regarding electricity, and if you need a plumber, painter, or carpenter, he has a good team willing to work for ARRR! https://barrrter.com/ad/details/certified-electrician-that-can-also-help-with-renovations

Social Media

Why I’m a Pirate? | X Space Meeting

Join us for our first awesome meeting in X Space, where our community reinforces their faith and spirits in the Pirate Chain project and shares their personal incentives to become pirates. Their many backgrounds and personal activities, their support for our market moves and other strategies, and very interesting questions in the cryptoverse field are all discussed in an easy and relaxed manner in this very community-oriented video! Get to know some of the crew!

Supporting ARRR Merchants | X Space Meeting 2

Ahoy Pirates! Watch this video to learn about our community’s second X space meeting, where ARRRmada and bARRRter — our two primary merchant pillars — are the main topic of discussion. Everyone in this talk discusses the news surrounding these pillars as well as ideas for improving them! Enjoy!


Ahoy Pirates! Take a look at this well nourished article made from whatthefinance.com pals! You will find details on our recent developments, ARRR as our currency Driving Force, our unwavering commitment to privacy and security, The Emergence of wARRR, Q-Shop App a private market for ARRR in the horizon and our Community & Use Case.

Final Words

Our team’s cohesiveness and community are unmatched. As energetic and restless as they are, there is just no match for them. The upcoming campaign is proof of it. A campaign that will include guerrilla marketing, content creation, influencer partnerships, and community initiatives will thrust Pirate Chain into the spotlight, showcasing it as the pinnacle of privacy coins. With a blend of digital prowess, community engagement, and a bold thematic approach, the campaign will establish ARRR as a symbol of financial freedom and security in the digital age. We are on a mission. Expect us.

Freedom is here; take it!

Sail with us!





