Pirate Chain Monthly Update September 2023 Recap

Pirate Chain
6 min readOct 7, 2023


Ahoy Mates! A versatile and fun software update has been made to our Hardware Wallet Devise! The decentralized Komodo Wallet’s (AtomicDEX) integration of ARRR is prepared and operational. It is currently in the final stages of development for our own Pirate Decentralized Exchange. Through no fault of the Pirate team, Kucoin has decided to delist ARRR based on an internal transparency audit arising from their KYC requirements. The results being that Pirate is too private to continue to support and meet their KYC requirements (they are unable to audit senders of funds).

The community continues to push forward with planning for upcoming events in different cities and holds its regular weekly public gatherings, but some members still operate in secrecy, such good ol’ Legend LooTZ with his car show concept. Welcome to our fleet, @QuirkyRobots! He will support the development of ARRRmada.com and Pirate Chain assets.

Project Update

Hardware Wallet

Ahoy Mates! This awesome device just got an upgrade! Version 2.6 of the hardware control software was released! The hardware wallet can now be controlled from a PC running Linux/OS X or Windows, and Mac OS X support has been added. It is also currently in the process of adding Electrum Radiant wallet support. This will exponentially expand the number of coins that can be stored on the device. And an integration of the user interface with the smart phone Pirate wallets are in the works for this little monster! Ahoy!


Ahoy Pirate! Our mother coin project, Komodo, a leader in blockchain interoperability and atomic swap technology, has officially renamed its flagship end-user application from “AtomicDEX” to “Komodo Wallet”. Now you can store and trade your precious ARRR in this decentralized Komodo’s Wallet/Exchange App with several coins, all under Komodo’s newer approach aimed at easing cryptocurrency dealings for upcoming users. https://komodoplatform.com/


Self-proclaimed secure and private non-KYC centralized exchange SafeTrade is now offering an interesting trade pair between privacy pioneer XMR Monero’s coin and our revolutionary private technological coin, $ARRR! Have fun with it!

NOTICE: ARRR is officially delisted from Kucoin. Please take whatever precautions you might need to protect your funds. We advise all Pirates to withdraw their ARRR before the KuCoin closing date of March 28, 2024. https://www.kucoin.com/announcement/st-kucoin-will-delist-certain-projects-20230921

Upcoming Events

Pirate Merchant Week

Ahoy Pirates! This is a call to all pirates to join us and show some support to our merchants in the ARRRmada club and bARRRTer.com this Black Friday Week! We do also encourage our merchant members to enter in the spirit, give as much as they can, and create a win-win situation for buyers and themselves with higher sales volume! This cyber event will be from November 26th through December 2nd. Fun buying with $ARRR!


Ahoy! On October 31 in Chandler, Arizona, our charming mates Amy Voluntary and Daniel J will offer a Pirate Chain presentation at the Nonsensus conference! where speakers promote a culture of thoughtful debate and conversation. All of them performed to boost ingenuity, creativity, and ‘Privacy’. https://nonsensus.io/.

Solarpunk Summit

Although Pirate Chain is more lunarpunk, we will have a Pirate Chain booth at the Solarpunk Summit festival on October 12–16 in Kingsbury, Texas. Solarpunk is a lovely future world where technology, environment, and the person are all in balance. There will be performances, talks, workshops, and music as well as kid activities and camping. This year’s theme is Eclipse: From Darkness into Light, bridging both the solarpunk and lunarpunk aesthetics of being transparent in the light versus dark in the shadows. https://solarpunksummit.com/


ARRR Hardware Wallet

Now with a new software upgrade giving you the capacity to control it from a PC running Linux/OS X or Windows and Mac OS X support added to it! This portable device is the most secure out there, capable of processing zkSNARKs transactions, as required by Pirate Chain ARRR. Access to this unit is protected with a root-of-trust setup that starts in the boot ROM at power-up, through all the boot phases, and up to the pirate authenticator application. Get it here with $ARRR: https://barrrter.com/ad/details/pirate-chain-hardware-wallet

1 Oz Pyromet Silver Card — Credit Card Sized Silver Piece

Awesome way to own some silver in this format! With this credit card-sized silver piece! A perfect fit for your wallet. Each card is one full troy ounce of.999+ fine silver produced by Pyromet and made in the USA. Each card has its own protective Tyvek sleeve and a Certificate of Authenticity. Buy it with $ARRR! https://barrrter.com/ad/details/1-oz-pyromet-silver-card-credit-card-sized-silver-piece



Attention Texas! Have you ever wanted to feel like you were riding in a race car with the breeze of a motorcycle? Now you can with the slingshot ride! Rents start by the hour but also offer half-day, full-day, and multi-day options in Kemah City. Now accepting ARRR as a payment option! Ahoy! https://kemahslingshotrentals.com/

Social Media

Monthly Project Update

Captain Draeth covers the Komodos wallet new implementation for ARRR, the sweet and sour ARRR delisting from Kucoin Exchange, highlights the upcoming Pirate Decentralized Exchange, and updates the Edge wallet sync issues, all while host QortalSet from Qortal’s team comes to the pirate ship to share their proposal on ARRR becoming an alternative coin of trade in their new QShop APP inside the Qortal Universe. Plus, new marketing ideas and event schedules were shared by DaJohns in this video. Enjoy!


Monthly Update Art Needed

Ahoy Pirates!Are you looking for ways to contribute to the Pirate Chain community? We are currently seeking volunteers to submit art to be used on monthly update articles. If you feel guided to help please message us in the public Medium Publication Thread: https://tinyurl.com/Medium-Publication-Thread

Final Words

The war against privacy, free speech, and solid money is now becoming more evident to the average individual out there, and awareness is rising by the day. We’ll keep sailing this ship proudly and boldly in these uncharted waters, which probably no human being has experienced before. We’re excited about or coming October events and the coming soon ARRR integration on the mobile version of Komodo wallet! Ahoy! We’re patient yet anxious and intrigued about how and when humanity will eventually wake up and get to finally sail with us. ARRR!

Freedom is here; take it!

Sail with us!






