Pirate Chain Newsletter Update April 2023 Recap

Pirate Chain
6 min readMay 8, 2023


Ahoy Pirates! The fantastic party we had in San Diego with our EDGE mates was a huge success, and there will be more in the future. As I write these words, the Monerotopia event with pirates is taking place in Mexico City. The wARRR bridge is still undergoing recovery efforts, wallet updates were issued (details below), and our Discord server was the target of a sophisticated server attack that was quickly remedied with the help of our strong community.

Legend looTZ is in charge of generating marketing strategies involving vehicle innovation to attract newcomers to Pirate Chan. These strategies are centered on developing catchy technologies into an automobile to be physically presented at any given event.

The Anarchy Beauties a liberating and freedom fighter podcast with a female touch is now on. Check it out here: https://youtube.com/@TheAnarchistBeauties





The wARRR bridge still being under recovery work, Polarity’s teams are working to enable the wARRR bridge for withdrawal-only mode after they finish the lite cash and privacy gateways. Just to add clarity, it’s only the bridge that is down, wARRR itself is still functional. For now, users can still claim rewards and stake/unstake using bscscan, instead of bridging direct 1:1 from wARRR to ARRR, users would need to trade wARRR for another token on pancakeswap. Updates will be shared when available.


Pirate Chain Pirate Party 🏴‍☠️

We were delighted and appreciative to be invited to a celebration of our recent Edge Wallet/Exchange/App integration at the San Diego, California, headquarters of our partner Edge. Pirate Chain Community members gave great speeches, and BLUVNBU gave a special performance. 🎶

BLUVNBU is the alias for Orlando-based independent new-age rock artist Matt Welsh. He is the founder of ageofaquarius.org, a platform designed to incentivize free market exchange for artists and creators in the new Bitcoin economy. Check the video above to see his performance and some pirate speeches.

🐦 Follow the sponsors on Twitter: @CoinStructive @EdgeWallet @BitRefill @PirateChain

Buy, sell, and trade crypto while still holding your keys/funds using Edge. Give it a try at https://edge.app


Lite Wallet V 1.0.8

Version 1.0.8 of the lite wallet has been released on GitHub. This is a minor update but should resolve the transportation error that some users are experiencing. No other features or bug fixes were included in this release. https://github.com/PirateNetwork/PirateWallet-Lite/releases/tag/1.0.8

Tresure Chest Upgrade

Treasure Chest’s new version 5.6.1 has been released on Github.com. On this version, encrypted wallets will now detect user activity through both mouse clicks in the app and text field changes. The wallet will now lock after 5 minutes of inactivity instead of the previous 5 minutes. The wallet will also now notify users when a new version is published on GitHub. Get it here:



Seven Seas Exchange

Arrr was recently listed on this exchange! In which you can enjoy no KYC and no data collection. Just buy and sell crypto. As always, a good reminder when trading in a CEX is: Your keys are your coins. Not your keys, not your coins.

Warning: Pirate Chain does not support or encourage the usage of this exchange or any other.


Ben Brok

You require a web designer. Meet Ben Brok; he can assist you in creating a trustworthy and professional website for your business. Now taking payment in the form of ARRR! https://benbrok.com/


Pirate Chain Hardware Wallet

This is the only portable device that is capable of processing zkSNARKs transactions, required by Pirate Chain (ARRR). Access to the unit is protected with a root-of-trust setup that starts in the boot ROM at power up, through all the boot phases, up to the pirate authenticator application. Launch price: $280 for the first 100 units, thereafter $330.
~International shipping included. https://barrrter.com/ad/details/pirate-chain-hardware-wallet

Raised Bed 6x2' Located Brandon FL

For Sale. Raised bed to grow your plants. 6x2' size 8' height. Built from unfinished boards, no chemicals in your garden. Can cover it with linseed oil for moisture protection to last longer. Reinforced corners. Buy with ARRR here: https://barrrter.com/ad/details/raised-bed-6x2-located-brandon-fl

Pirate Life Casino

Online Casino and Lottery

NOTICE: As of 05/03/23 you will likely get a message that the casino website is offline. Do not send ARRR into the Casino until Polarity’s team resolves to open their Gateway Service. Otherwise, your funds will not land and you’ll be on standby for an uncertain period of time.

Social Media

Monthly Project Update USA/EU May 2023

Capitan Draeth updates us on wallet updates, the recent Discord server attack, which was swiftly stopped in a matter of hours thanks to the support of our cohesive community, the Edge Party held in honor of Pirate Chain, the current state of the wARRR bridge, and the upcoming Anarchy Beauties Postcast and Monerotopia event.

Upfront Crypto

Check out this little video by Upfront Crypto where he discusses the fundamentals of Pirate Chain, wallets supporting ARRR, current innovations like the Edge wallet and LocalPirateChain.com, and his optimistic outlook on future interest in ARRR.


Check out the article linked above where LooTZ will enlighten you on the historical struggle for true digital privacy, the predatory regulatory apparatus, the feeble exchanges and coins that already fall under their scheme ways, as well as how Pirate Chain has proven that its main priority is maintaining user anonymity. LooTZ will do this in his signature charismatic and entertaining style. Enjoy!


Dear fellow Pirates, LocalPirateChain is humbly seeking your support to stay afloat and continue providing a dedicated p2p platform. By donating you can help them cover operations costs. If you feel inspired to support, please visit their donation page at: https://www.localpiratechain.com/donate/


Discord Hack Statement:


George Carlin

Just for fun, find out what good ol’ George Carlin would think of Pirate Chain:


Final Words

We have excellent opportunities to continue expanding as a disruptive force for the individual in a world of profound geopolitical, economic, and monetary change. No one can predict the future with certainty, but we are committed to continuing to create a world in which people can bravely transact without outside forces dictating or removing their inherent individual rights to being and dealing, regardless of who ends up in control of any global system or power structure.

Freedom is here; take it!

Sail with us!






