Pirate has set sail with the VerusPay plugin for Private e commerce!

Pirate Chain
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2019

Before we start, a very special thanks to Michael Toutonghi, John Westbrook and the rest of the Verus team. They have graciously added us to their plugin, and as opposed to try and compete, we want to support them and their fantastic project! Stop by www.veruscoin.io and learn about the future of privacy and Public Blockchain as a Service (PBaaS).


This guide is for specifically setting up just ARRR/VRSC with Veruspay and assumes you already have a Wordpress LAMP Server to use with WooCommerce as an online ecommerce store. It also assumes you have read through the PirateOcean wallet setup guide and acquired an ARRR address that begins with zs as well as backed up the Private keys and/or wallet.dat safely. If you have not yet, please do so first. Lastly, it is recommended that you become familiar with using a VPS. We will have more on this in a future guide, but this should get you through the needed steps, even if your skill level is basic.

If you experience any issues during this setup guide, you can reach out to our support community in Discord 24 hours a day.

Let’s Get StARRRted!

This guide will help you set up Veruspay, which allows you to quickly and easily accept ARRR as a payment option. Getting a Wordpress Cryptocurrency payment method usually requires various plugins, none of which at the time of writing this accept ARRR. Thanks to John Westbrook from Verus, we can now empower all Wordpress users to accept ARRR with no middleman fees, no upfront purchases and automatic order confirmation!

To setup Veruspay, you will need the following before starting this tutorial:

  • A separate VPS to act as a wallet server (minimum 2GB RAM)
  • The WooCommerce 2.1+ plugin for your store

Part 1: Setting up your wallet server

Once you have created a VPS (we recommend using DigitalOcean, which using this link will give you $100 in free credit over 60 days), SSH in and change the root password when prompted. Create a SUDO user (replace USERNAME with a user name of your choice) with the following command:

adduser USERNAME

Create a password for that user and hit enter.

Then hit enter until it asks you if the information is correct. Type Y and hit enter.

Then type in the command:

usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

Log off and log back in as the new user.

After you log back in, disable root SSH access using the following commands:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Enter your password, then it will bring you inside this file

You will find and change PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no (you will need to press the down arrow to find it) and save with CTRL-O, hit enter, then CTRL-X

Next, issue the following commands:

cd ~

wget https://veruspay.io/setup/veruspay_chaintools_install.sh

chmod +x veruspay_chaintools_install.sh


The next screen will look like this

It will prompt you after 30 seconds, asking “Is this server a REMOTE WALLET server”. Type Y or YES to do the remote Wallet Server install.

The next prompt will ask you to enter the IP address of your WooCommerce Veruspay store server. Type in the IP address and hit enter.

The following Propmt asks if you would like to install a self-signed SSL certificate. Type YES and hit enter.

The next prompt asks you about installing the Wallet Daemons. Type Yes and hit enter. The next prompt will ask you if you want to install the Pirate daemon. Type Yes and hit enter. The next prompt will ask you if you want to install the Verus Daemon. This is optional, but if you want to accept Verus, type Yes and hit enter.

The script will run for several minutes and take care of everything. Once it is finished, you will see a screen that shows your RPC USER, PASSWORD and ip address. COPY THIS FOR YOUR RECORDS.

Part 2: Install the Veruspay Plugin in your store

In your store, click on plugins, and click on add new

Search for Veruspay, click on install then activate

Next, click on Woocommerce, then Settings. Next, Click on the payments tab, and click on Manage on the right of Veruspay.

Click on Wallet settings and fill out the Pirate Wallet IP/Path (Make sure “Enable Pirate ARRR Payments?” is checked).

Click on Message and Content Customizations and fill out as you desire.

Next, Click on Store Options. It is recommended that you not change any settings, aside from “set discount/fee” (if you wish to do so).


You are now setup to accept ARRR payments! If you have any issues, please reach out to our community development and support team in Discord. This can be done on PC or Mobile as Discord also has a mobile app.

Thank you for reading,

Written by The Infamous Kata on Twitter — @Draeth#3300 on discord

Follow PirateChain and Kata on Social Media!







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