Pirate is now also listed on CryptoBridge beside DigitalPrice

Pirate also listed on CoinGecko — Lottery Bot pays out the first prizes — Community works on merchandise articles

Pirate Chain
4 min readFeb 11, 2019


Pirate Listing on CryptoBridge

It’s done, Pirate is listed on CryptoBridge. This makes CryptoBridge the second Exchange that lists z-addresses.

CryptoBridge on Twitter

After Pirate emerged from Komodo’s community and could initially be traded via the onboarding tool and OTC trading, it was DigitalPrice that was the first Exchange to list Pirate.

DigitalPrice.io, which supports the usual suspects as well as coins from the Komodo ecosystem, is a user-friendly exchange for which no data is relevant when register an account. Only a daily withdrawl of 5k is a verification required. This is an ideal entry into the privacy of Pirate.

Crypto-Bridge.org is a slightly larger Exchange. CryptoBridge is listed on CoinMarketCap and has a daily trading volume of $ XXX.XXX per day. On Crypto-Bridge you can trade up to 220 coins, including now ARRR.

Pirate has further targets and is heading for CoinMarketCap

The regular gaze of a crypto enthusiast goes towards CoinMarketCap. CoinMarketCap is a market capitalization ranking for crypto currencies and Pirate’s next target. With the successful listing on CryptoBridge, Pirate has taken the next step. Now CMC decides when and under which conditions ARRR will be admitted. To be continued…

Alternative CoinGecko

CoinGecko is an alternative to CMC on which Pirate is already listed. If you want to check the chart and the current price in a simple way, you can do it now on coingecko.com.

With the listing on CryptoBridge new doors have opened for Pirate. Numerous Crypto Tracker apps now also list Pirate, e.g. CoinStats.

Pirate now on CoinStats.app

Lottery Bot pays out the first prizes

The Lottery Bot has been in use for just over a week now. An ARRR lottery that anyone can participate in. You can find the lottery in the Discord-Channel #lottery-bot.

Summary of ARRR Lottery

To get help for the lottery bot, you can use the !arrrtip command. In the first lottery, which ended last Saturday, more than 5000 ARRR were distributed, with 4359 ARRR falling to the winner and1_89. 2nd and 3rd place went to 544 and 272 ARRR respectively. Congratulations!!!

Last Reminder for the Migration to Sapling

If you still haven’t migrated your coins to a sapling address, you only have until 15.02.19 time to do so. It is not yet clear what will happen to the coins that will not be migrated, but in the worst case we have to assume that the approximately 2,000,000 ARRR in sprout addresses will be burned.

Comparison with MimbleWimble Beam and Grin

With the comparison to the MimbleWimble coins Beam and Grin, Pirate has released part 5 of the series. Both, Beam and Grin, use the MimbleWimble protocol, which was hyped by the media earlier this year. Flexatron looked at it and compared these coins with Pirate.

CryptoRich also took a look at the two MimbleWimble coins and compared them with Pirate.

Community works on merchandise articles

Community members are in the process of putting merchandise together. Among them a physical Pirate coin, sticker, caps and shirts. Further information and details can be found in the discord in the appropriate #merchandise channel.

First Pirate shirt

Pirate on Social Media

The community grows every day and is already represented on the following social networks:


Thank you Komodo

At this point we would like to say thank you to Komodo. For everything that Komodo has already done for Pirate. Komodo can be sure that Pirate will support you as well.

Komodo is making great progress with the rebrand. Be sure to check out Komodo’s blog to stay up to date.


