PirateChain — May Update 2019

Pirate Chain
Published in
10 min readJun 9, 2019
Full sails for the entire month of May.

Piratechain has had quite a busy month! I wrote this same statement last month to start the letter but I must have been lying. May turned out to be quite the productive month.


As you may or may not know, there was a hack on the Komodo Version of Agama this past week. The nature of the hack allowed up to 37 Pirate addresses to become compromised. The core team essentially found the users private keys to their wallets on a public webpage, the equivalent of finding a wallet on the street.

As opposed to leaving the wallets there, the pirate team secured these funds and will be producing a reclaim process in the next few days. We want to stress again that if you previously used the Komodo version Agama to secure your Pirate, that you MUST obtain a new wallet address and private key generated either in the VerusCoin version of Agama found here, or in the PirateOceanQT wallet.

- Integration & Development-

Pirate broke into the top 200 within the first week of being listed on CMC.
  • CoinMarketCap.com — Pirate is now listed on CoinMarketCap. While we are still missing our largest exchange, the team at DigitalPrice has submitted all the needed API’s and should have all the trading data added to CMC by next months update.
    Currently sitting at the 221 position at the time of this article, a brief peek into the top 200 as well as a MC larger than Grin and Beam were all realized last month. In addition, PirateChain was the largest MarketCap coin to be added to the information repository in the last 30 days.
This Market Cap figure was after a 20% pullback from a growth streak at the end of May. The volume also doesn’t include DigPrice 6 figure daily trading volume.
  • Mobile Pay Coin Marketplace — $ARRR is accepted on Mobile Pay Marketplace. This is an Ebay style site that accepts crypto. Buyers and sellers can communicate and purchase or vend their wares for Crypto.
    On checkout you can choose to pay in $ARRR and other crypto. The site can be used similar to a Craigslist, OfferUp or Poshmark where users can even list their personal items without setting up a full fledged shop. Sellers can receive payments in their crypto of choice and users can pay safely, securely and privately.
    The site is in it’s infancy but there is definitely room for more marketplaces like this to run along side others like Bisq and Particl. There no single Grocery chain, gyro shop, burger joint or taco stands. The nature of user input can be valuable to startups like this. The link below can be used to reach out to them for feedback in the Mobile Pay Coin Marketplace discord channel. Looking forward to what this team produces.
ARRR/USD pairs on Graviex.net
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ — The very last 256 Block reward. 7 transactions in this block.

- First and foremost was the 1st scheduled Halving of the block rewards from 256 ARRR per block to 128 ARRR per block. This moment passed quite uneventfully but nevertheless, it was a great milestone.

-Secondly, a new mining pool with a luxurious interface came out of nowehere. www.Snowmining.com/pirate has also been on quite the block finding streak for such a small pool. Maybe they are using …..

  • Thirdly, the equihash enhancing FUDDWare was released and this article from Luxor Mining shows it is currently the only pool supporting this 10–20% boost on equihash asics. We support development on all levels and we have been referring pools and operators to contact @Efudd#0390 in Discord for info. Let us know if you strike up a deal with him and we will be sure to annotate this on the website.

www.ARRRmada.com — I want to let everyone know were are collecting shops who are interested in listing on our repository of stores that accept $ARRR as a form of payment. Please reach out to Seko1900 @seko in Discord to be added to the site or fill out the form at the bottom of https://arrrmada.com/

  • Exchange Integrations — This past month saw trading begin at two new exchanges, Graviex.net and Tradeogre.com — These two new additions show that the z address integration does not need to be difficult. Graviex had Pirate trading within 4 days and added ARRR/KMD and ARRR/USD pairs within one week all told. We are VERY grateful for the referral to the exchange from DukeLeto at Hush.
    Within 3 days, a user @wookie25#7663 in discord was able to get the developer at TradeOgre to respond and add our coin for trading.
    This was by far the most swift integration to date taking less than 24 hours, and within 24 hours, the exchanges were BOTH rallying back and forth for the top volume spot of the day. Very exciting to work with these exchanges who have their developer ducks in a row. Pirate has been a top volume trading pair on both exchanges consistently for over a week now.
  • Github — Our newest full time Dev, MrLynch has moved the project to our own repo and you can now find and participate in pirate development starting here… https://github.com/PirateNetwork/pirate
Thank you @MrLynch our newest full time developer.
  • Security Patches — This past month @dukeLeto also made some security patches to our code. $ZEC allows you to generate a z address while the chain is not synced, possibly leaking metadata about this. His recent merge solves this issue which can be found here, but not allowing z address generation when the daemon is not synced. Duke has upstreamed this to HUSH, KMD and ARRR. Thank you again sir for your hard work. Let’s see what we can knock out together in the coming months. ;)
Pirate paid Duke Leto a bounty for this merged commit which might be small to some but could be crucial to just ONE user in the future, and therefore the project appreciates his hard work.
  • Barterlly — This month of May marks the first open public trades on Barterlly, a project created by an original Pirate developer. It was originally designated to protect OTC traders of ARRR, but the core team felt the project was too good to keep for Pirate alone. So Dwy set out on his own and for the past 6 months has worked hard on his release. You can trade crypto privately or publicly wallet to wallet. The program handles escrow and refunds in case of a failed trade. Pirate is reskinning the project and labelling it Tortuga, for our users to enjoy trading OTC in a secure fashion. Keep your eye out for Tortuga and in the mean time, check out https://app.barterlly.io for any safe OTC trades of your favorite projects.
This offer is still live if anyone wants to try out Barterlly and PirateChain.

- On the Horizon -

  • Pirate Notary Nodes — @MrLynch and Myself want to take a moment to give a HUGE thank you to ALL of those who voted for Pirate Notary Services in the recent Komodo Notary Node Elections. We placed 1st, 3rd and 5th in EU, NA and AR respectively.
    As you can see above, the project funds will support the future growth and development of not only Pirate directly, but secondary community projects, Komodo ecosystem projects and more. This is a great boon to the project and it’s continued funding. Thank you again for voting.
Notary rewards funding proposition from our campaign, Lynch is bad at math and the extra 50 KMD will be found in Ecosystem Development.
As the top producing test net notary node, MrLynch will represent the tech side of Pirate while FishyGuts continues the community and business development. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
  • 7 Seas GUI Wallet and Pirate Full node — The development and testing is nearing an end on the Pirate Fullnode and 7 seas wallet. The windows port is the last bit to be completed. This will be an additional QT wallet with additional functionality. Being a full node gives you better control over the visibilty of your transactions. Once the Pirate chest from @CryptoCloaks is completed, you will be able to run your Pirate transactions through the node and not on your main rig if you prefer. This Treasure Chest wallet/fullnode will also have the ability to generate offline transactions, something not yet available in $ZEC, thanks again to Duke Leto.
DukeLeto, The captain we needed but never knew.

Speaking of Duke, he and Jane Mercer are working together on 7Seas and SilentDragon (Hush GUI wallet) to try and create a single wallet for both projects to share. With the added development skill and functionality Duke wishes to bring to his project, combined with the commerce functions of Pirate, there is quite an opportunity here for the future of chat commerce, but we can explore that more later. The next update will bring info on the payment URI’s, QR codes and memo field chat. For now, let’s get this fullnode running first and ported to all systems.

Memo fields being used for something? Get right out of town!!!
  • Mobile wallet — So this is a top priority for our core team next to the Zcommerce adoption. We are working with PTYX of Chainzilla, a KMD ecosystem project, to see if we can get added to Chameleon, their mobile wallet. The initial discussions seem promising but actionability remains to be seen. We will keep everyone updated as this unfolds. We realize that a mobile wallet is crucial for a crypto project and we hope to bring one of the first truly mobile z2z wallets in the crypto space since there is nothing of its kind yet. Thank you for your patience with the team.
Fun fact: PTYX is why FishyGuts became enamored with the KMD notary node system.
  • A new cross platform Tipbot Coming soon — That’s all I will say about that for now except that this time, you get to control your private keys.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ “Come here my sweet little pretty PK”

- In Closing -

  • Decentralization — This month we saw the Binance Hack take shape, which only further solidifies our desire to find a true atomic swap protocol for Pirate to be listed on DEX’s like BarterDEX, not proxy a proxy DEX or non-custodial CEX’s. We will continue to explore the options there, despite the large hurdles provided of being the first market mover on this… but that hasn’t stopped Pirate or Komodo before.
  • Politicization — While PirateChain has no desire to become political in character, the Pirate Political Party around the world does. Their views and ideologies line up quite nicely with our project. For a few months now, a member of their Australian chapter has been in discussion with us on how to bring this match made in dystopian heaven come together. We have not quite figured out a way yet, but for now, we invite all of our Politically minded Australian pirates to jump into their discord and help them change the world.
    Join their discord here!
    The ARRR Tipbot also works in their discord so feel free to send anyone you support some ARRR to show them you appreciate them.
  • Legitimization- Right at the end of March, PirateChain price really took off. We do feel it’s a recognition of the hard work put in by the team but more importantly, a realization that there is something useful under construction. We have had Starchain Capital, a crypto Investment firm add us to their list of “Assets invested” and being their ONLY privacy coin investment, we feel that speaks pretty highly of their views on the project. They list on their website that their minimum investment for clients is $100,000 so we would like to think they aren’t playing around with those kind of numbers.
Starchain Capital Investment Portfolio Example

We as the core pirate contributing team will do our best to make everyone who has faith in the project proud. It seems our community is willing to double down on our commitment.

Thank you everyone for your support!

Please enjoy the recently updated general road map as you exit the ship.

These items are general core community items. Community user tasks and developments are not listed here.

— — — For more on our project visit https://pirate.black — — —

This story was written by FishyGuts @2ndoldest on Twitter@FishyGuts#5085 on discord. He is one of the captains on the pirate ship of privacy, PirateChain. $ARRR is a privacy coin with 100% private peer to peer sends only. No outside user activity will compromise your privacy or activity on the chain. We are always glad to talk about the project so please reach out!

Contributors are ALWAYS welcome so please reach out anytime you have an idea!

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