How Does Pisano’s Real-Time Support Work?

Pisano Happy Customers
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Imagine a supermarket where so many unsatisfied customers keep leaving. What could be the reason? Often, it’s because of a lack of qualified shopping experience. Staff may not have proper training about products or their knowledge may not be up-to-date. When customers ask about products, such employees cannot provide satisfactory and quick answers, including the prices. This means loss of time for customers and damage to company branding. Is there no hope?

There is a solution: Digital forms. Any company of any size can use digital forms to get real-time feedback. Let’s say this failing market installs Pisano’s digital tablet forms and customers start submitting their views. With smart-tagging and real-time interactions, problems will be spotted right away. This is how customers express and receive a solution for their problems with omnichannel communication.

Pisano provides real-time communication between the customer and the company; as well as within the company. Common customer problems are spotted and escalated to the manager level without additional communication channels. As a result, solutions like better training programs for employees can be implemented. Our imaginary supermarket saves the day with its supermarket staff being able to respond to customers’ questions about every single detail of products. With proper action taken, negative feedback about issues stop.

Pisano makes real-time and omnichannel communication possible for its corporate clients. With Pisano, you can communicate not only with your customers, but also with your staff. Don’t wait; escalate customer notifications to engage the correct person in real time.

Your customers are the most reliable source of information about your business. So, make sure communication between you and customers remain open. Make sure your feedback forms are not too long and that you give assurances and implement changes to signal your customers that you really do listen.



Pisano Happy Customers

All-in-one Experience Management platform that feeds Voice of Customer and Employee programs back into businesses.