Not travelling for the holidays

Raluca Lorena
Pistrui călători
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2017


Christmas trees and people together with their families and friends have invaded my Facebook and Instagram feeds. These might be the most honest posts throughout the year, when people get excited to see their loved ones, to receive gifts and whatnot. You can feel the excitement pretty much anywhere you go.

I have been more introspective this time of the year, maybe because I finally took the time to think about this year, about my life, about the people in my life. Years ago, I used to send everyone I knew a text/Facebook message to tell them Happy Holidays. This year was somehow different. I still wish all the best for all of those people and the ones I have met since. I just don’t feel such a great urge to tell them that. Because I know they know. They know that no matter where I go and who I meet, my warmest wishes come back home, to Romania, to my old friends, former colleagues, dear family and of course, they go all across the world to all the ones I met during my travels and all throughout my life.

This year, I am not travelling for the holidays. I am home, eating delicious food and catching up with friends and family. Even though it feels quite strange not to be on the road, the time I’ve been spending at home was a good chance to discover things about myself and to realize how grateful and happy I am for everything and everyone in my life. Usually, it’s travelling that makes me realize such things. It seems that the holidays can have the same effect.

So, because the holidays have this magic upon them, why don’t you take the time and just be? Be grateful, be happy, be kind, be loving, be true to yourself. Be whatever feels right for you NOW and let the holidays surround you with their magic.



Raluca Lorena
Pistrui călători

A soul living the human experience. Pistrui călător. 🌎🌍🌏 Becoming the greatest version of myself & enjoying the process ❤️