Pitbullers, NFTs & Community

Pitbull Community
4 min readJun 1, 2022


The NFT Series Launch Information

The time has come to take the first #PITBULLISH step into the Metaverse! 10k unique NFT artworks on the Ethereum blockchain by Pitbull.

As we have reached 500,000 holders, it is time to think really big:

The Pitbull community has been developing since March 17, 2021 only through the strength of the community, with no developer wallets or developer money, just volunteer community members. Pitbull is now one of the largest 100% community driven tokens on the entire crypto-space and to celebrate this achievement we are extremely happy to announce that we will be launching NFT series “Pitbullers”: Pitbullers is an unique NFT Collection with over 10,000 automatically generated NFT’s on ETH-Chain.

Every Pitbullers consists of six properties. Within these six properties, there are over 70 different individual traits that make each NFT unique:

• Background
• Body colour
• Headwear
• Eyewear
• Necklace
• Necklace pendant

There are also five 1/1 NFTs in our collection. Five completely unique and the most rare Pitbullers NFTs.

How to get a «Pitbullers» NFT

Are you new to NFTs? No worries, here are some steps on what you need to do to obtain your “Pitbullers”-NFT

1. Download a wallet and connect to Ethereum chain
MetaMask Wallet -> Start at the MetaMask website https://metamask.io/, where you’ll find instructions on how to download the wallet. MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows you to store and purchase NFTs. MetaMask can be used as a browser extension as well as an app via an Apple or Android device.

2. Add some funds
Add tokens to your wallet to purchase NFTs. Sending from an exchange (Coinbase, Binance, Kraken etc.) will be the most direct option for you to transfer tokens into your wallet. If you use MetaMask, ETH is the default token, as MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet. You can purchase Ethereum through your Metamask wallet using Wyre.

Note: Purchasing NFTs involves gas fees. Indeed, the Ethereum network requires gas to execute transactions. When you send tokens, interact with a contract, send ETH, or do anything else on the blockchain, you must pay for that computation. Our smart contract will have optimized gas fees so you can mint 4 NFTs for around $10 in one transaction.

3. Mint a “Pitbullers”
The mint of the NFTs is performed via a special link and a DApp. Once we share the link for the mint, you will be able to connect to your wallets there and buy your NFTs.

NOTE: Only use links that come from the official announcement channel. We will never write you a DM with the link.

MetaMask Wallet -> The Chrome Metamask extension will allow you to make purchases with Ethereum. If you are on mobile, please use the Metamask app.

Pitbullers Mint Roadmap

0% — Welcome to Pitbullers

Congratulations, you have heard about “Pitbullers”. You still have the chance to get a whitelist spot. Better be early. Join the community on twitter (@PitbullersNFT) because WAGMI together.

25% — The Formation of the #PitArmy

After 2500 Pitbullers have been minted, we do the first giveaway. 5 wallets that have mined at least 2 Pitbullers will receive 0.3 ETH each.

50% — Strengthen the #PitArmy

Pitbullers holders will be rewarded for being a part of the community. After a total of 5000 NFTs have been minted, we will do another 0.3ETH giveaway. Any wallet with more than 2 Pitbullers will automatically join this giveaway

75% — Donation for our #Pitbullish Partner
Once 7500 NFTs have been minted, we will donate 3 ETH to Kennel2Couch.

100% — Pitbullers WAGMI Party — As always, stay #PITBULLISH”

Important notes:
The launch will be in two steps. On Friday 10 June, we will launch the whitelist sale (time to be communicated). Only wallets that have filled out the whitelist form or won the spot in a giveaway can participate in the whitelist presale. The price here will be 0.033ETH/NFT.

After a few hours, we will close the whitelist presale and switch to the public sale, where everyone who wants can mint the NFTs. The price will be increased to 0.055 ETH/NFT at the public sale. The collection will be visible for re-sales on Opensea. This link will be shared with the community as soon as available. Thus, once all 10,000 NFTs have been minted, NFTS can only be purchased through the secondary market on Opensea or Looksrare on a later stage.

Details & Social Media:

Pitbullers NFT Official Twitter:


Pitbull Token Official Twitter:


PitMag Official Twitter:




Pitbull Community

PIT has become a story to tell~~~~$PIT Token LitePaper Whitepaper/Website-Social Media Translation. Community Volunteer 007.