Weekly Journey of $ PITbull Community: Milestones & Updates

Pitbull Community
5 min readApr 17, 2021


Hello Dear Pitbull Community!

Wish you all a great week!

With this weekly article, we will start an update session regarding the community`s milestones & achievements. PIT is also celebrating its 1st month anniversary this week besides big achievements and milestones.

You will find listings, recent news, shelter donations, competitions, social media impacts, exchange updates, and milestones with numbers in this update series. In a short time, the community achieved great success with its every member`s support. We are constantly expanding in many fields of the market.

As this is our first article for weekly updates, we kept the duration of updates a little longer than a week not to miss other great steps and news by the community!

Let’s start with changes in numbers as of April 9 to April 17,

+14658 Hodlers with total of 31947

+2979 Twitter Followers with total of 6264

+2649 Telegram Members total of 9641

+430 Reddit Pitbulls total of 1774

%55.6+ Burnt tokens so far with transactions

+3 new submitted tracker platforms

+6 Listed Tracker platforms


+4 New ``WorldWide`` Languages Group on Telegram

  • Netherlands, Belgium, Philippines, Turkey
  • 4 New ``WorldWide`` Languages Accounts on Twitter
  • Italy, Turkey, France, Brasil

Updates & Usecase Innovations

💹 Donations were raised and paid to IndoEx Exchange. Exchange listing fully completed

📜 Litepaper updated

🤝Partnership with Tao Token (Friction.finance). Via Tao Token platform PIT-BNB LP enabled. Click for details.

🔍 CoinMarketCap Api Data resubmitted and data started to be tracked

🤝2nd partnership with Pig Finance community enabling NFT Farm and Staking

🔭 PitTracker App Beta version released. The community loved to track their auto %2 earnings.

👀 Community creative group of people launched with the new skills in different fields

🖼️ New NFTs have been created and the first sets have been already sold.

Funds from NFT selling distribution as follows:

15% goes to the wallet for marketing purposes of PIT

15% goes to charity donation wallet

60% sent to Liquidity Pool, in other words, burning forever by decreasing total supply

10% for minting, designing process with the transaction fees for NTF

🚀 Reached top 1 on Stocktwits two weeks in a row

🙏 Donations for animal shelters in Serbia have been decided by community votes. https://dogrescueshelter.org/

Vote result for shelter donation by community

🏆 A community competition completed and 1 Trillion PIT Token has been sent to the winner`s address

📰 Ads published on UniRocket Telegram page with pricebot

➕ Listings and updates submitted on tracker platforms







📈 PitCharts platforms for a wide field for users have been started to be implemented

📊 One of the biggest news of the week: Community United and has won one of the biggest poll Monday Moonshot of the crypto world by Satoshi Street Bets


🔥 %55.6+ of the total supplied burned so far with the transactions

🛅 20.000, 25.000 & 30.000 Hodlers milestones have been reached in a week

🙌 Indoex. It’s the first exchange listing PIT!

%55.5 of total supply have been burnt so far with the transactions. Keeps burning every second.
%55.5 of total supply have been burnt so far with the transactions. Keeps burning every second.

Impacts on Social media & new videos on PIT

📺 New youtube videos on PIT. Thanks for supports

Jan Spicker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFruga1I3vU&t=2s

Torin Hoffman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqidVJnbkN0

AJ FIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8IF2ymwe18

Investing & Real Estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YxHXVn4pM

Umar Khan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__LKYiTaCRs

Joseph Robinson Entertaintment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEyhwqhtiZ8

Project MoonGold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu1LK2S_Zlw

Earth 2 Mastery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoRPWbdVj8M

The Stonk Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyUGOnUU3Og

🗣️ Twitter Influencers tweet and polls on PIT. Thank you for your contributions

@CaptainJackAP https://twitter.com/CaptainJackAPE/status/1381595973797834755?s=20

@cryptobullfish poll. PIT has declared victory on this one


@CaptainJackAP another poll ended leading by PIT


Another big poll by 💎@LordCryptoGem with 49K+ followers PIT has won by far




🔝 StockTwits: PIT sit on treding number #1


Great appreciation to one of our admins, shill leader, and meme creator Mr.StockTwits for helping PIT list on StockTwits. It was one of the biggest help and contribution to the project and community.

Much more coming for PIT and the community

New board marketing strategies and negotiations

New partnership agreements with other projects

Shelter Donation Campaigns

Expanding the social media range

Roadmap will be updated with solid steps

An organizational structure with efficiency, communication Transparency between the team and investor

Member guidelines and ethics. Creation of a PIT member code of ethics

Marketing: Key areas of focus and social media marketing on Youtube/Tiktok

Looking for big influencers on Twitter alongside TikTok in a 1-week timeline

New NFTs ideas and creations

Ads/banners creations and cost-efficient paid advertising

PitCharts platform incoming. Currently on alpha testing phase

A new use case incoming for $PIT: PitCharts

AMA`s: Live AMA with key members upcoming. Biweekly AMA update.

Introducing Q&As to connect to our community.

Lottery system for community and holders

More use case ideas for PIT

Reconstruction of team & roles distribution

Future exchange discussions / Expanding Asian market

Charity awareness project in progress with Pitbulls

Contests, promotions, giveaways, charities. A new one incoming soon.

Roadmap Achievements

Shelter to donate has been chosen by the community

Tracker Platform listings

Audit reviews

Exchange listings

Website updated

The great news is just upon us. Community is expanding day by day with solid steps. Every single day new investors are joining us and most of them contributing to the community with their skills.


New Pitbull NFT’s

Pitbull NFT collectibles are now new trading cards.

For PIT NFTs medium article:


Stay with #PIT, stay #pitbullish



Pitbull Community

PIT has become a story to tell~~~~$PIT Token LitePaper Whitepaper/Website-Social Media Translation. Community Volunteer 007.