What is Architecture?

The world’s leading Architects give their answers.

Pit Crit
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2016


Architecture is…hard to define! Or perhaps the better answer is … it depends.

Enter WIA — Short for what is architecture, a web project run by three young architects with the purpose of finding “clear and concise information about architecture from the viewpoint of the contemporary protagonists and thus form a panoramic view of today’s architectural thinking.”

How? They do short and sweet interviews with the world’s leading Architects. The questions are simple and direct:

What is architecture?
What can architecture do?
What is your architectural position?
What is your design method?

But the answers are fascinatingly different, giving us a glimpse into every architect’s biases, ambitions, hopes and concerns…

Here are some of my favorite answers. Also included is one project from each architect for reference :)

Sam Jacob

“Architecture is act of making the world we live in…”

The Villa, Rotterdam. Sam Jacob Studio

Moon Hoon

“Architecture can be anything…”

Two Moon By Moon Hoon

Wolf Prix

“Architecture is Yes…”

Busan Cinema Centre, COOP HIMMELB(L)AU

Hernan Diaz Alonso

“Architecture is a genius solution to non-existing problems…”

New media art, Hernan Diaz Alonso

Carole Schmit

“Architecture is about keeping surprise alive…”

Pavilion Skip, Polaris Architecture

Bogdan & Van Broeck

“Architecture is a canvas for life…”

Horizon in Knokke-Heist, Bogdan & Van Broeck

Jakob Tigges

“…I have no idea…If I knew I probably would do something else…”

The Berg, Jakob Tigges

You can watch all of the interviews here.

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Pit Crit

software developer / architectural & urban designer / tamrat.co / thoughts on design. tech. and anything in between