Twins! Nuff Said

Jeff Solomon
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2009

UPDATE — Pictures Here!

Well it’s been a long road, but my twins arrived safely yesterday. Please welcome Dahlia Pink Solomon & Wolf Patton Solomon. I’ll post many pictures including videos of the c-section soon, but I’m at the hospital still and I don’t have my camera transfer cable. What an amazing experience. Everyone says that. It’s just very cool. It’s exciting and scary. There is so much unknown. When they popped out I checked the basics, 10 fingers, 10 toes, etc. They look fine but I’m worried about what I can’t see. I guess over time parents just get used to the feeling of not having 100% control over the kids. I have to trust that God has a plan for them and everything will work out how it is supposed. I believe that anyway.

I think of myself as a pretty accomplished guy. I don’t know everything, but most of the time I feel like I know the things I don’t know. When it comes to raising these kids, I don’t know what I don’t know. I mean just in the last 24 hours I’ve had to learn and do things I’ve never done before. Feeding and burping and keeping track of this poop and that pee. I can’t tell you how many times these nurses have showed me how to swaddle these monkeys and I just can’t get it. Show me how to us a power tool once and I’ll build a house. Show me how to wrap a baby in a blanket and watch it fall to the ground after I pick them up (more videos on that soon).

Aya (my wife) lost a lot more blood than she should have after the c-section. She ended up having to get a transfusion. That’s a little scary because we don’t really know where the blood came from. She’s also quite sore and will not be at full power for weeks. I guess parental instincts just kick in though. I’m doing what I need to and I’m really enjoying it. A friend told me that kids are the best thing that ever happens to you, and whatever is second is light years behind that. I’m a really happy dad just trying to figure it all out.

Content provided by Pitashi, Jeff Solomon’s Guide to Everything.



Jeff Solomon

Entrepreneur & 6x founder @velocify @amplifyla @markuphero @audiojoyapps @geekingapp | Teacher. Advisor. Content Creator. Product. Marketing. Startups. Dad.