We’re Looking for Content Creators!

Productivity In Tech
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2016

As the Productivity in Tech Community begins to grow, I wanted to let you guys know that we are looking for content creators! If you Blog, Podcast, Vlog, or do anything related to Productivity, we want to showcase you and your work!

Here are a few things we are specifically looking for.


As we begin to create more content, we will be looking for writers for our blog. Currently the blog is publication on medium, but we hope to be self hosted in the upcoming months. We are looking for:

  • App/Product Reviewers
  • Productivity System Breakdowns
  • Thought Pieces
  • “How I Work/My Setup” Posts
source: @createHERstock

Video Posts

With PITLive in the works, we are also looking at other ways to reach people via video. If you currently post productivity (related) content, we would love to reach out to you and support your channel.

We not only plan to share all of your productivity content, but we are building a Friends of the Show Resource that will let our subscribers know what you have been working on!


photo by #wocintechchat

Productivity in Tech started with the podcast. We are hoping to partner up with other shows to help create a collection of podcasts relating to productivity in tech fields. Our goal is to build a network of resources available to all members in which we would benefit. Whether it is shownote creation, editing, social media management, Productivity in Tech wants to help you take your show to the next level.

Our goal isn’t to own a bunch of podcasts. Our intent that the show always belong to the artist. We understand that hosting and managing a podcasting is a lot of work. Most podcasts fail because of the amount of time it takes to manage them. The likelihood of a a successful podcast grows exponentially as more resources become available to the artist. We hope that as we would grow as a community we can help the members of the community grow as well.

If you are interested in any of these please Contact Jay Miller.



Productivity In Tech

An online community dedicated to helping those in tech be more productive. productivityintech.com