Pitch Investors Live
2 min readMar 10, 2020


We are just 1 day away from our Registration for our new technology BETA testing!!!

We can't spill all the beans just yet but what we can say is that what we are doing… has not been done in the funding and investment landscape!

We also want to thank you for being part of our community, and following along on our journey to help entrepreneurs and startups connect with investors live, via our app.

Wednesday March 11th is the date.

You have an opportunity to participate in something truly revolutionary and groundbreaking. This will suit entrepreneurs/startups, investors, & viewers.

Our goal has always been to break the barriers, and open up a whole new world of opportunity for people around the world (regardless of who they are), who have a business, idea, or service and want to seek growth, exposure and funding.

Just like Uber, Air BnB, Facebook and other companies have changed the way we commute, connect, do business, travel etc, we at Pitch want to change the way people get in front of investors.

With entrepreneurship at an all time high (and only growing!), we want to break the barriers for people with great ideas who don’t have the same opportunities as people in investment hubs and centers, or investors that want to find the next million or even a billion dollar idea.

Technology is moving fast and we believe we are on the crest of something huge with our incredible team and supporters! That brings me to the opportunity!

We are seeking a select group of people to help us with the launch of a brand new feature on our app. The role involved would be to test new features on the app.

We will be revealing full details tomorrow, Wednesday March 11th.

I hope you are as excited as we are.

If you are interested, look out for our official release post tomorrow!

Please be ready to sign up. Not only is it FREE but you will get to participate in something brand new for the entrepreneurial and investment space!

