The Best Pitch Deck Outline For You To Receive Seed Funding

Guide To A Better Pitch Deck

Harry Alford
humble words
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2016


Alex Iskold, Managing Director at Techstars, once said, “there are several ways to build an investor deck for your seed round, but there is no perfect way, of course.” I couldn’t agree more with his statement. However, there are certain elements required to deliver a successful pitch.

A pitch deck is usually 10–20 slides designed to give a short summary of your startup. For example, Guy Kawasaki believes you only need 10 slides in your pitch while others prefer 13 slides. Ultimately, to deliver a great pitch is to tell a great story and that narrative has to be supported by the right outline. The structure will vary for who your audience is or what stage you’re at. Below is an outline of what I believe allows you to tell the best story for raising seed funding:

  1. Logo/One-Liner/Contact Info: The first slide should clearly indicate who you are and what your startup does. The best way to do this is by displaying a logo in the center followed by your mantra below and contact info which includes your website and email address.
  2. Vision: The vision slide can be as simple as an image or a one-liner. The vision represents how you see the world and why you even launched this startup.
  3. Problem: What’s the…



Harry Alford
humble words

Transforming enterprises and platforms into portals to Web3