The Pitch Practice Podcast is LIVE on iTunes

Kevin Sandlin
Pitch Practice
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was Pitch Practice’s 3rd Birthday. On that day three years ago, something called “StartupBP” (baseball analogy) was born out of a need to learn how to better present a startup to the community. Three years later, we’ve heard over 1,000 pitches, helped countless entrepreneurs move forward in their journey, had a Boardroom at Atlanta Tech Village named after the meetup, and — yesterday— launched a podcast.

“Happy 3rd Birthday @Pitch_Practice! Hello to the Pitch Practice #Podcast, now LIVE on @iTunes!”

Tuesday / Thursday

The first four episodes of the Pitch Practice Podcast are now available on iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and SoundCloud. All episodes are between 10 and 15 minutes long. We will publish the next an episode on Tuesday and then Thursday. In the future, Pitch Practice will be a Tuesday/Thursday podcast. The vast majority of episodes will cover one elevator pitch and the lessons derived from that pitch. However, every now and then we’ll do some Q&A from both the Pitch Practice meetup as well as questions that come from podcast listeners.

Feature YOUR Pitch

One of the best things about launching the podcast is the ability to reach and interact with a larger audience, no longer limited to how many folks we can cram into the Pitch Practice Boardroom at ATV. And that gives us the ability to hear, dig into, and improve pitches from all over the world. We want to feature your pitch, and we’ve made it really easy for you to send in your pitch to be featured on the podcast. Go to and see the 3 ways to send us your elevator pitch.

Subscribe, Rate, Review!

Finally, I have a simple request. Part of the launch of a podcast to the top of the charts on iTunes is to get as many subscribers, ratings, and reviews in the first 48 hours after launch as possible. So, that’s right now! If you’ve read this far, I hope you’ll do me the small favor and go to iTunes and subscribe, then rate the show and write a short review. Here are complete instructions in case you’ve never done this before. It’s really easy.

Thank You!

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever attended Pitch Practice. A special thanks to the folks at Atlanta Tech Village who really made it happen at all. It’s really easy to understand why Atlanta Tech Village is so successful. Thank you.



Kevin Sandlin
Pitch Practice

Believer. Husband. Daddy. Servant leader. Entrepreneur. Blogger. Speaker. 11X founder. Volunteer Soldier in GA State Defense Force.