Source Sumo Logic

Pitch Deck Teardown: Sumo Logic

This deck raised $5.8M in 2010. What can we learn from it?

Nicolas Carteron
Published in
10 min readSep 18, 2020


In 2010, Christian Beegden and Kumar Saurabh co-founded Sumo Logic. Yesterday, September 17, 2020, a little bit over 10 years later, Sumo IPOed at a valuation of $2.17B.

In a blog post detailing the journey of the company, Greylock, one of Sumo’s historical investors, shared the original pitch deck that was used to raise $5.8M in 2010.

As you will see, the design of the deck is a little bit dated and uses too many default PowerPoint objects and settings.

The content, however, is brilliantly delivered and framed in a way that tells a compelling, valuable story.

There much to learn from this deck, so without further ado, let’s dive in.

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Deck Details

Sumo Logic, founded in 2010

Stage of financing: Series-A

Stage of the company: Early-Stage, development phase.



Nicolas Carteron

I write about politics, business, society and culture on Medium. For startup/business content, check my newsletter: