Announcement Node.js Code+Learn in Moscow

Vadim Gorbachev
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2019

November 6 at the office of the company will be held Node.js Code+Learn.

Code+Learn events allow you to get started (or go further) with Node.js core contributions. Сore team members help guide you through your first (or second or third) commit to Node.js core.
Contributing to any open source project can feel intimidating, which is the why the Code+Learn events are designed to ease developers through very simple PRs that you can work on with your peers, while receiving help from Node.js core collaborators.

Come to us and write code together!

Code of Conduct



When: 2019 November 6, 12:00–20:00 (add to your calendar).
Where: Moscow, office, 1-Y Nagatinskiy Proyezd, д. 10, building 1, floor 12 (


Ujjwal Sharma

Igalia, ryzokuken

Ujjwal is an undergrad student, an open source software fanatic and an active member of the JavaScript ecosystem.

A Node.js core collaborator, Electron maintainer, Google Summer of Code mentor and ex-student, he has been working with the V8 team and the TC39 committee to help make JavaScript better, one commit at a time.

He loves to talk about open source software, DevOps, JavaScript, Web Standards and the Open Web.

Ruben Bridgewater

Freelance Software Architect, BridgeAR

Ruben is a Node.js core collaborator and a freelance software architect consultant.

His main emphasis is building powerful and easy-to-use APIs for scalable and fast applications.

He is continuously working with the V8 team and the TC39 committee to improve the developer experience with JavaScript.

Nikita Skovoroda

Moscow State University, skovorodan

Collaborator Node.js, a researcher at Moscow State University Lomonosov, conducted a large number of studies on the presence of node.js ecosystem vulnerabilities.


If you have any difficulties with registration — write to me (telegram: , email:

If you are not able to make it to this Code + Learn, follow this page to find out if this event will come to your area. In addition, you don’t have to go to Code + Learn to contribute. Here’s a blog all about how best to contribute to Node.js is you are new to the experience.

See you later!

