Memoir + Fiction

My Ex-Wife Did Not Have Sex with Her Junior Staff

But she sure had something going on with him

Smillew Rahcuef
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2024


business meeting — people standing — looking at a whiteboard
Metaphorical representation — Unsplash

“We are still working on the presentation for tomorrow. Sorry, honey, no phone sex tonight.”

We were still full of passion at the time. Our habit was to have some “entertainment” before going to bed when we were on longer business trips. Phone sex wasn’t as good as real sex, but it was sure better than no sex at all.

And intimate rituals are necessary if you want your marriage to last.

We considered a business trip of one night away from home a longer one.

(I told you. We were still full of passion!)

But that week, she never had time. She was 500 miles away and busy working hard to meet crazy deadlines. And she was always with her junior when I called.

From breakfast to her ritualistic herbal tea before going to bed.

There was no time for phone sex.

And that was frustrating.

I supported her career and wanted her to succeed, but I was jealous.

There was a lot of time for the junior. We’ll call him “Whatever” because I didn’t like him back then and don’t like the memory of him today.



Smillew Rahcuef

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.