Pitfall Fiction

Thank the Lord I Got Rid of That Body

Best decision of my life

Published in
7 min readMar 8, 2024


Let’s keep just what we need. Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash

I find the upkeep of my body so incredibly expensive. And they always break down. This new method is so much more cost effective. When we realised that the body ages, and dies, but not the mind … we knew what we had to do.

To all those people past retirement age who still think like they’re 21 but the body tells them otherwise, you know what I mean.

Try my new “Body Separation Treatment”, you will not look back.

You’ve got no neck … bwahahaha.

Hi, my name is Gobi-1. Each of my family is Gobi and then a number for males, and Oasis for females.

We have stopped the process of creating males and females. We let it occur naturally now. We could not get the sequencing right.

F-Spanx came in to land the vehicle in my apartment’s designated rooftop landing bay. I had set her to female mode today, female mode was so much more practical and “restful” than M-Spanx was yesterday. I was always nervous when M-Spanx piloted the EAV (Electric Airborne Vehicle).

Spanx is my PPR. Personal Private Robot. It has many support settings and my pride and joy. When I bought the rights to DYSON




Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.