Guest Blog Submission Guidelines

Data Science News
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2018

Why write for us?

Pivigo have an audience of hundreds of aspiring and practicing data scientists. We regularly promote content aimed at those practicing in the field and those looking to break into it. This number is also growing, not least because of our bespoke Science to Data Science training bootcamp, which takes analytical PhDs and MScs and gives them the business acumen and project experience to become data scientists.

This means that if you have a piece of advice or insight for someone wanting to become a data scientist, we have a perfectly curated audience for your work!

It’s not just a myriad of data scientists who will have access to your material. We also have a large amount of businesses, both using and preparing for data science, on our mailing lists.

Across Pivigo & S2DS we have over 10 social media channels, meaning it is not just Medium where readers will be reading your articles. We regularly promote both our own and guest blogs across these platforms, reposting the ones that gain the most traction and engagement.

We can even include links to any relevant blogs you are hosting elsewhere.

Submission Guidelines:

Please keep blog posts between 300–800 words and include 1–2 images.

Provide 3+ relevant tags to your post.

Please include a short author bio.

We write content for aspiring/practicing data scientists and businesses. Please ensure your content is appropriate for our audience. Please see recent articles on our page for examples.

Please send all submissions to



Data Science News

Pivigo brings businesses and #DataScience together to unlock the value and opportunities in data. Founders of @S2DS bespoke training programme.