A Tactical approach to a career shift

Coach PJ
Pivot with PJ
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2024

So, you’re contemplating a career pivot? Let’s cut through the noise and focus on the essentials. Before you pack your bags, let’s ensure you have your ducks in a row.

First, why the itch for change? Is your current gig draining your soul? Are you enduring a toxic boss? Is your daily routine as thrilling as watching paint dry? Or perhaps you’re yearning for more meaning in your daily grind? Whatever the reason, it’s crucial to validate your itch for change first.

Now, onto the game plan:

  1. Unlock Your Ikigai: This is the most crucial. Ever heard of Ikigai? It’s the Japanese concept of finding your reason for being. Picture it as the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. Finding your Ikigai is the key to a fulfilling career journey. Begin with what floats your boat.
  2. Map Your Mentorship: Every hero needs a wise sage to guide them on their quest. Seek a mentor or a sounding board who can offer insights, keep you grounded, and provide that much-needed kick in the pants when motivation wanes. They’re like your career GPS, steering you in the right direction when lost in uncertainty.
  3. Plan Your Escape Route: Now that you’re armed with self-awareness and guidance, it’s time to plot your course. Research different industries, tap into your network, and gather deep intel. A solid plan will give you the confidence to navigate the choppy waters of change.
  4. Arm Yourself with Knowledge: Education is your best weapon in this battle. Invest in upskilling, attend workshops, and devour resources like a hungry scholar. The more you learn, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle the challenges.
  5. Adopt a Resilient Mindset : Brace yourself for setbacks and challenges. Embrace the journey with resilience. Remember, every obstacle is just a detour on the road to success. Stay flexible, stay positive, and keep pushing forward.
  6. Stay Agile: In the words of Bruce Lee, “Be water, my friend.” Don’t cling to a rigid plan like a barnacle on a ship; instead, go with the flow and adapt to the changing currents. The ability to roll with the punches will serve you well in your career crusade.

So, there you have it, warrior: a tactical blueprint for navigating your career shift. Remember, this isn’t just about changing jobs; it’s about seeking fulfillment and purpose. So, arm yourself with courage, wisdom, and determination, and prepare to conquer new horizons. Your adventure awaits!

