Bland brew and a silver lining — keep your inner light shining.

Coach PJ
Pivot with PJ
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2024

As I stand on my open terrace, the firm tiles cold under my bare feet, I watch the curl of smoke from my cigarette swirling upwards and the steam from my coffee trying to catch up. This morning, the coffee tastes like nostalgia. It’s rich and full-bodied, contrasting to last month’s flavorless sips. You see, the coffee from Uma’s has been a family tradition for over thirty years, a silent sentinel accompanying us through life’s ebb and flow.

The recent disappointment with Uma’s coffee shocked our system. But as I mull over this, cup in one hand and my cigarette in the other, I see the clouds parting, revealing a silver lining so striking that it arrests all other thoughts. It reminds me that the beauty of the silver lining is never really about the cloud but the light that never stops shining behind.

You know this truth deep down. It’s not the cloud that crafts the silver edge, but your inner light — your resilience, your inherent brightness — that defines the beauty in the moment of gloom. The clouds of life, your challenges and setbacks, are transient. They pass, they change, they dissolve. But the light within you remains a constant force like the sun behind the cloud.

The coffee episode, that slight turbulence in the continuity of our family ritual, echoes a more significant lesson. When the brew from our last batch from Uma’s seemed lost to blandness, and our hearts sunk a little with each tasteless sip, we reached out and expressed our dismay. What happened? The purveyor of our morning ritual, the owner of Uma’s, replaced the remaining lot with a fresh, flavorful batch; he restored faith in the unspoken bond between him and our family.

So, take this to heart. When you encounter bland brews, the moments lacking flavor or joy, reach out. Communicate. Give life a chance to surprise you with a fresh lot, a new beginning. And as you do, remember that your inner light is the constant ingredient in the ever-changing recipe of life. It is what infuses every experience with its authentic flavor.

Let each sip of coffee, each beam of light piercing through the clouds, remind you that the essence of who you are — your inner light — never dims. It waits patiently to be acknowledged, to cast its silver glow on the clouds. Hold onto this, and you’ll see that your ability to shine through the clouds is not just an act of defiance against the dark but an affirmation of your unwavering light.

In this quiet moment of reflection, I wonder how to nurture this inner light, especially when life’s clouds loom large and heavy. You, too, might have pondered this in your moments of solitude.

First, acknowledge the clouds. Give them names — fear, doubt, loss. By naming them, you strip away their power to diffuse your light. Speak to and understand them; they’re not as vast as they appear.

Then, draw from the well of your past triumphs. Remember when you’ve overcome, when the light within outshone the shadow outside. Let these memories reignite your spirit.

Lean on the rituals that anchor you — the morning cup of coffee, the quiet evening walks, the board game with family or friends, that catch-up phone call, your favorite music or a TV show. These constants can guide you back to your inner glow.

Connect with your people — those who remind you of your brightness, like the owner of Uma’s, who reached out with a bag of fresh coffee and let others in to refresh the stale spirit.

Cultivate gratitude, even for the smallest of joys. Gratitude is like sunlight; it banishes the shadows and warms the soul, keeping the inner light aglow.

And finally, give of yourself. In service, kindness, and listening, you bring light to others and let your being shine brighter. It’s in these acts that we often find our most radiant selves.

So, as the sun finds its way through the clouds, let these practices sustain your inner light. Through the toughest times and the darkest clouds, your light can shine with unwavering grace and strength. Hold this close, and let it guide you as sure as the sunrise.

