Mashed potatoes and morning mayhem — My battle on winning the dawn

Coach PJ
Pivot with PJ
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2024
Photo by David Mao on Unsplash

“I don’t remember you functioning so well before having your morning coffee,” my partner casually observed while reworking the half-mashed potatoes. I had just mashed those potatoes a moment before for Vi’s lunch. I had packed the snack and water briskly before venturing into the tater territory. Earlier, I was on the losing side of the waking battle today, late by 30 minutes — eons in the time scale of my morning routine.

Her words were light and endearing when it should have been a solid verbal uppercut for my half-assed job. It also reminded me how far I have come with my morning transitions. It might take a while or forever before my morning becomes a serene launchpad daily. However, here are some practices that have helped me get to the point of earning marks for my surprisingly effective pre-coffee functioning.

Waking Rituals: I try a set of simple, enjoyable actions immediately upon waking. This could be stretching, deep breathing, or a few moments of gratitude. Rituals create predictability, comfort my mind, and prepare me mentally to face the day.

Visualization: I spend a few minutes visualizing the day’s goals, outcomes, and meaningful moments. You could do this lying in the bed if you can afford an elaborate waking ceremony. If you are like me, spend those few minutes of visualization in the bathroom or doing mundane tasks. You might be interrupted by ‘Good Morning,’ ‘What’s your plan for the day’, or ‘I need to use the bathroom.’ Quickly, your folks will learn not to hassle you when you are in your out-of-body experience zone. This mental rehearsal enhances actual performance and motivation.

Quality Sleep: This is one area where I need to improve. But I’m putting it here because I know it’s essential and it could help you. Prioritize sleep hygiene — relaxed, dark, quiet environments and a consistent bedtime. Quality sleep is foundational, affecting our mood, cognitive function, and overall health.

Morning Planning: I lay out the next day’s plan the night before. This reduces decision fatigue and provides a clear roadmap for the day, easing the mental load upon waking. I review my day’s forecast of organized, prioritized, and updated tasks on my Omnifocus system.

Alarm Strategy: I choose a pleasant alarm tone. I tried placing it out of immediate reach to discourage snoozing, but I only became more groggy. This is good advice for most people, though. When I became immune to alarm and snoozing became part of my sleep muscle, I requested that the person waking me up be gentle. Waking up startled is not what you want.

The Invitation

Now, over to you. How do you wrestle with the dawn? Do you have a morning ritual that sets the tone for a productive, fulfilling day? Maybe it’s a cup of coffee enjoyed in silence, a brisk walk, a favorite song, a moment of silence in nature, or a few pages of a beloved book.

Mornings can be more than just a launchpad for the day; they can be a launchpad for life. We set a precedent for the rest of our waking hours by embracing the first moments with intention and care. Let’s turn our mornings from something we endure into something we cherish. Share your morning ritual, and let’s inspire each other to wake up on the right side of the bed and with the right mindset to take on the world.

What’s your strategy for winning the dawn?

