The Superblock Report.



Bringing you PIVX News and Developments, one Superblock at a time”, is now live!

The last few months have been full of developments for PIVX labs and PIVX core.

To better support the PIVX community it was decided we needed to improve the way we communicated. We needed to make it easier for the members to keep informed as to what was going on behind the scenes. Enter PIVX labs member Sandude who created The Superblock Report, PIVX’s brand new monthly publication, designed by PIVX Labs.

“The Superblock Report will be published monthly, ideally right after every superblock.”

To read the Superblock report please follow, PIVX labs Medium account. Feel free to leave ideas that you may have for further publications in the comments.

Keep It Purple People!



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#PIVX's Content Strategist & Proud Aunty. Founder of Privacy Roundtable.