20 Most Popular Pixabay Contributors. Summer, 2018

Recognizing the most popular Pixabay contributors at the moment. Their works are downloaded by several millions, they’ve got “Likes” from hundred thousands of followers all over the world, and, of course, their works often appear at Editor’s Choice. Thanks to the Best Ones among us!

Pixabay. Get-Togethers
15 min readAug 6, 2018


#20. pasja1000

Meet Julita. Her 1,612 images were downloaded 1,172,804 times, got 16,476 likes and 5 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of pasja1000’s works.

#19. Pezibear

Meet Petra. Her 6,955 images were downloaded 4,869,491 times, got 72,747 likes and 79 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Pezibear’s works.

#18. jplenio

I love taking pictures. I discovered my love for photography in a photo project at school and have remained true to it ever since. After my children and family were the main subject of my photographs for a long time, I have been on the road alone for some years now to relax — mainly in the field of nature and landscape photography. That’s my passion! I like to take part in competitions, where my ambition develops, so that I get to know a lot of new ideas. So I could already win some competitions.
— Johannes Plenio —

Meet Johannes Plenio. His 374 images were downloaded 3,545,844 times, got 27,354 likes and 88 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of jplenio’s works.

#17. Gellinger

I have a nice hobby and thus can realize myself at Pixabay. Here I give and I can take. I search for some images and motives here and I share my works. I am looking forward to the feedback for my works. And yes, I am always glad to get some donation for coffee which I donate for social needs on Christmas.
— Gerhard Gellinger —

Meet Gerhard Gellinger. His 3,040 images were downloaded 3,381,925 times, got 57,618 likes and 39 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Gellinger’s works.

#16. TheDigitalArtist

I spend a lot of my time scouring the wonderful photo’s people post up to Pixabay and look at how I can create a new piece from them. This sort of work usually involves replacing skies, removing artifacts, popping colours and generally messing with nature to tu rn the world upside down and inside out. For my graphic design work I look for trends on business websites to understand what is currently fresh and also use the key tags Pixabay are looking for. Once I have the key idea I use a process called chunking in order to turn that one keyword or theme into a series of ideas that I then go on and create in Photoshop.
— Pete Linforth —

Meet Pete Linforth. His 4,837 images were downloaded 4,089,444 times, got 58,999 likes and 24 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of TheDigitalArtis’s works.

#15. dimitrisvetsikas1969

What really inspires me is the beauty of the place I live, the architecture and the traditions of Cyprus and Greece and of course the sea, that is my big love. I wish I could have the opportunity, to travel all around the world, and capture with my camera the beauty of the nature and the everyday life of the ordinary people.
— Dimitris Vetsikas —

Meet Dimitris Vetsikas. His 10,567 images were downloaded 2,936,209 times, got 44,082 likes and 20 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of dimitrisvetsikas1969’s works.

#14. mohamed_hassan

That’s how I find ideas for my work. I check Google trends and also Google AdWords to find a low competition words …Then I check Pixapay images to use them as a source for my work and then I start illustrating my new image
— Mohamed Hassan —

Meet Mohamed Hassan. His 3,251 images were downloaded 1,823,684 times, got 27,970 likes and 2 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of mohamed_hassan’s works.

#13. jill111

For me editing makes the good picture stand out from the average! I think every single photo can be enhanced through editing. All photos in my gallery are edited. Also, an artistic vision and execution is obvious in photos. This includes composition, color, and expertise in photography such as excellent exposure, clear focus, understanding of depth-of-field, and artistic talent.
— Jill —

Meet Jill Wellington. Her 1,249 images were downloaded 5,763,409 times, got 66,693 likes and 154 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of jill111’s works.

#12. Engin_Akyurt

Meet Engin Akyurt. His 5,567 images were downloaded 3,868,781 times, got 60,557 likes and 31 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Engin_Akyurt’s works.

#11. Couleur

Photography for me is… painting with light, passion, relax, an opportunity to catch the most beautiful moments and rediscover my own country.
— Ilona —

Meet Ilona. Her 1,709 images were downloaded 7,904,415 times, got 58,565 likes and 269 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Couleur’s works.

#10. darkmoon1968

I am full of imagination and new ideas. The phrase “Ideas just fly” is about me. My interests vary. I love photography, but my other passion, even greater one, is the creation of images of individual components — like maps in vintage style with free space for further use, original ornaments and decorations for celebrations, and also he so-called business pictures attract me. The possibilities varies and that’s the place where I can “let off the steam” of my creativity. Sometimes I get so many ideas that I can’t choose which one to to implement first. They can arise from everywhere — a conversation on the Internet, while driving, etc. i always check great pictures from other “Pixabayers” and they inspire me for new creative ideas.
As a conclusion: My ideas come in many ways and it is a great fortune to have so many of them and to have an opportunity to implement them creatively.
— Dorothe —

Meet Dorothe. Just imagine, these 977 images were downloaded 1,402,992 times, got 18,433 likes and 13 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of darkmoon1968’s works.

#9. ArtsyBee

Meet Oberholster Venita. Her 3,572 images were downloaded 2,875,958 times, got 79,278 likes and 2 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of ArtsyBee’s works.

#8. MabelAmber

Meet Mabel Amber. Her 2,664 images were downloaded 2,037,899 times, got 27,965 likes and 51 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of MabelAmber’s works.

#7. Capri23auto

Meet Ralph. His 3,539 images were downloaded 3,408,100 times, got 37,286 likes and 52 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Capri23auto’s works.

#6. ractapopulous

Art is very subjective.
First of all: never look what others are doing to not be influenced. Get inspired by a style yes, copy no. For my background images, I like unstructured abstract digital paint that allow the imagination to be projected and let people modify them according to their personal tastes for example to use it for scrapbooking, covers for book, and so on. Color codes are also very important.
For the images of objects, vehicles, animals, bouquet of flowers, landscape, it’s different but in the same approach and always in digital paint. By working them in an unstructured way, it allows to see it every day in a different aspect according to the mood and can trigger an emotion. Life is movement.
Every time I choose an image to unstructure it, I think about what it can be used for and what the end user might feel. It is for this reason that the choice of the initial image is essential.
Many people think that just take an image and apply a tool. The image transformation in “one click” is an illusion. Even if there are “photoshop tools” and programs like “Krita”, it takes a long work to finalize the image.(colors, brushes, patterns, alterations, highlighting the subject, and so on.)
Inspiration is a feeling that varies and works over time, and we have to think that Pixabay is international and that tastes are not identical everywhere.
When I use images that come from Pixabay, and I upload it in painting style on Pixabay, I always put the link to the original image in “comments” under my image, it’s respectful. Many contributors forget this basic rule of respect, or do not know how to do it.
— JLG —

Meet JLG. His 2,802 images were downloaded 1,363,355 times, got 47,306 likes and 2 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of ractapopulous’ works.

#5. GDJ

I find my ideas from everywhere… other artists, nature, anything that I come across.
— Gordon Johnson —

Meet Gordon Johnson. His 2,703 images were downloaded 2,673,181 times, got 56,715 likes and 4 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of GDJ’s works.

#4. pixel2013

Meet Silvia & Frank. Their 1,949 images were downloaded 8,023,576 times, got 96,73 likes and 149 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of pixel2013’s works.

#3. skeeze

Meet skeeze. These 11,313 images were downloaded 10,707,713 times, got 128,967 likes and 106 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of skeeze’s works.

#2. Alexas_Fotos

In my opinion, a good image should “make” something for a viewer. It evokes emotion, arouses curiosity, makes a “whoa” effect and inspires to look at it again and again.
A good image does not need any further explanation, it makes the viewer to understand what the photographer wants to “say” with this work.
— Alexandra —

Meet Alexandra. Her 18,970 images were downloaded 16,117,838 times, got 207.000 likes and 339 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of Alexas_Fotos’ works.

#1. geralt

Meet the best of the best — Gerd Altmann. His 18,025 images were downloaded 23,305,187 times, got 297,437 likes and 287 of them got Editor’s choice award. Here are some of geralt’s works.



Pixabay. Get-Togethers

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