Farewell to the Fall in Pixabay Photos

Pixabay. Get-Togethers
3 min readNov 20, 2017
Image by castleguard

This charming season comes to end. Soon the world around us will be covered with snow and we’ll be waiting for Christmas fairy tale. But it will be later. Now let’s enjoy this magnificent and the most colorful season of the year. It’s impossible not to be in love with autumn. And here’s 5 reasons why.

  1. The trees are really amasing

2. Everything gets a bit more mysterious

3. You can play with those yellow-red-orange leaves

4. Even rainy days seem to be warm with a cup of hot drink

5. And… pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins…

And what is autumn for you?



Pixabay. Get-Togethers

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