I am a Photographer — Interview with Adam Senatori

An interview with world famous photographer Adam Senatori. Learn more of what it’s like to be a professional and renowned photographer today.

Pixabay. Get-Togethers
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


Meet Adam — a former commercial airline pilot and an extraordinaire aerial photographer. His name has become a big deal in the photography world. Adam jokes that although he has worked with some of the world’s largest companies during his 15 years in commercial photography (General Electric, Louis Vuitton, and Ray-Ban are just a few names you might recognize from his resume), he mostly works for the world’s smallest companies.

Here is Adam’s interview for Pixabay community.

You started your career as a commercial airline pilot. But how and when your journey into photography started?

Hello my name is Adam Senatori. I’m an American photographer from the Midwest. I have been interested in creative works all my life but I have been a commercial photographer for 15 years.
I have worked with some of the worlds largest companies and agencies like General Electric, Louis Vuitton, Ray-ban and others. But I mostly create work for the worlds smallest companies.
Aside from my commercial work, I’m shooting as often as I can, for nothing more than to refine my skill set and craft.

You take photos from inside moving objects (planes, helicopters). Can you share some tips with our readers how to make photos from a moving object?

Tips for shooting from moving objects… never set the shutter speed below 1/250. Since depth of field isn’t as important, shoot and open, allowing you to keep those shutter speeds fast thus avoiding blur.

What do you enjoy about aerial photography?

I love aerial photos because they offer such a unique view, perhaps views never seen before in history depending on the location and pov.

Where do you get your creative inspiration from?

I get my creative inspiration from historical photos. I love antique aerial photos and often go to historical libraries to view them in person.

What gear do you use?

I shoot exclusively with a Canon 1DX II and a Canon 16–36mm lens. Sometimes a tilt shift lens.

Which places have been your favourite ones for shooting? Why?

Dubai UAE is one of my favorite places to shoot because of the architecture, and the way the light bounces off all of the glass and chrome.

What are your future plans for photography?

My future plans for photography are to push beyond my creative crutches of shooting the common views. Always thinking of new ways to show old topics.

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

Things I knew when I started taking photos… the importance of light. It’s everything.

Find more Adam’s work here.



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