Pixabay. Get-Togethers
6 min readSep 24, 2018

Since Pixabay appeared at the end of 2010 it has turned into the largest high-quality source for free images and videos! And it’s possible only because of of our great community of contributors.

So many changes has happened during these years. The total amount of images (including photos, illustrations, vector graphics and clip arts) is about 1.5 million. Today you can meet our images everywhere — they are used as illustrations for articles, images for landing pages, backgrounds for quotes, illustrations for printed books, cool remixes, etc.

Here are some quotes from Pixabay forum to understand why people love Pixabay.

I just wish to say THANKS to Simon and all the Pixabay team for creating Pixabay! It is by far my favourite website! When I get a better camera I plan to donate many photos.
Stan Williams

I used Pixabay images and clipart as artwork for book covers and on my blog. Wanted to say thank you to all who images and clipart I was able to use for these ventures. Pixabay and you guys are the best!
D. H. Allen

Thanks — your photos made this awareness video possible!
Today is international awareness day for a very painful afflictions in the face, trigeminal neuralgia. It’s a rare disease and many of us who have it suffer unnecessary as also the medical profession needs more knowledge.
So thank you for helping us helping others, both sufferers and their surrounding, getting information out in an easy to understand way.

Just wanted to say a big THANKS to the Pixabay team and contributors. I have used many of your images on my writers’ website (and a couple of associated websites) and while I haven’t been able to donate coffees, I have added a Pixabay banner ad to the website (at the bottom of every page).
Robert Fairhead

Today we have over 100,000 different people all over the world who contribute their great works. thanks a lot to them! And very often we hear a question — “WHY do people contribute images to Pixabay FOR FREE?” We will not share our thoughts on it. Let’s listen to those whom all of you know very well — our contributors whose works are downloaded hundred thousands of times.

When I discover Pixabay, I thought that I have the chance to see if my pictures are good. I never thought that my pictures will be successful and it was a big surprise for me, that so many people are interested to my photos, they like them and get inspired from them. I was amazed from the quality of the pictures in Pixabay and the talent of the photographers. Their amazing work have a big influence on me and help me to improve myself. Thank you very much, that you give me the opportunity to participate in this magic world of photography.
Dimitris Vetsikas

Initially, Pixabay was for me an obviousness. Before being retired, I used Pixabay for my work and then it was a site that welcomed all forms of art. This allowed me to have many real contacts. So as soon as I retired, I naturally contributed to share. Pixabay is the only sharing website where I come with pleasure even if the rules change often and are not always fair. For example, I regret that there is no longer the name of the contributor on the images. This shocked several contributors and users. And finally, it’s quite funny to see that today we find the same human aspects as in “real life” . Jealousy, individuality, certainty of being right and greed being the evils of this century even if it’s unfortunate. Fortunately, on Pixabay, it’s a very small minority and it’s nice. Human nature is done so, that’s why I don’t use Facebook, Twitter or any social network and so Iam sure that my “likes” on Pixabay, are real “likes” and not “likes” of cronyism. My motto: “do well and let say.” This is just my feeling.

Why do I provide my images to Pixabay? Well, I’m convinced of public domain. I would like to give back what I have learned from the Internet. And the best way to do this is to make your works freely available. That gives me satisfaction and as a side effect I also get a lot of recognition, which spurs me on even more. Pixabay is a great website that has found a wide distribution. Plus a large community, and, as the icing on the cake, great operators!
Johannes Plenio

Well, if Pixabay did not exist, I probably would not have landed in photography until today. I started about 3 1/2 years ago, when I discovered Pixabay. The concept of the site seemed interesting to me and I became curious.The first pictures were made by my cellphone camera, but it quickly became clear that I was in need of a real camera. It’s really fun to share the pictures on Pixabay and see how many people enjoy my pictures (today I have over 16 million downloads).
Last but not least, I’m always fascinated by the fact that there are people who voluntarily pay for something they would not have to pay for, in the form of a coffee donation to the author or Pixabay.


Doing good things makes me happy and that’s why I share my pictures on Pixabay. AND, I think Hans and Simon are great. They are always correct and helpful. That’s why I upload my pictures on Pixabay.

Thanks to every member of Pixabay community! Let’s build great things together!



Pixabay. Get-Togethers

Over 1,100,000 quality photos, vectors, and videos on http://Pixabay.com. All of them are free - even for commercial use!