Language of Design

Panda P
Pixance Studios
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2020

A well-designed chair not only has a pleasing outward appearance but stands firmly on the ground and provides adequate comfort whoever sits on it. Design is not just ornamentation. Many people would think of design as some kind of effort in beautifying the outward appearance of things. Certainly, mere beautification is one of the aspects of design, but the design is much more than this.

Design is a process of purposeful visual creation. Unlike painting and sculpture, which are the realization of artists’ visions and dreams, design fills practical needs. A piece of graphic design has to be placed before the eyes of the public and to convey a predetermined message. Good design, in short, is the best possible visual expression of the essence of “something”. To do this faithfully and effectively, the designer should look at the best possible way this can be shaped, made, distributed, used, and related to the environment. His creation should not only be just aesthetic but also functional while reflecting or guiding the taste of time.

Design is a process of purposeful visual creation. Unlike painting and sculpture, which are the realization of artists’ visions and dreams, design fills practical needs. A piece of graphic design has to be placed before the eyes of the public and to convey a predetermined message. Good design, in short, is the best possible visual expression of the essence of “something”. To do this faithfully and effectively, the designer should look at the best possible way this can be shaped, made, distributed, used, and related to the environment. His creation should not only be just aesthetic but also functional while reflecting or guiding the taste of time.

The Visual Language

Design is practical. A designer is a practical man. But before he is ready to tackle practical problems, he has to master a visual language.

Interpreting the Visual Language

There are numerous ways of interpreting visual language. Unlike the spoken or written language of which the grammatical laws are more or less established, the visual language has no obvious laws. Each design theorist may have a completely different set of discoveries.

This is my first blog. Stay tuned for more!!

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