Lightweight, rock-solid and approachable? Yes, please.

Dmitry Pokidov
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017

Hey there, what are the main characteristics of a good product? Yep, stability and usability. If nothing is working or working like rubbish who would want to use it? Exactly!

I love complex solutions. I really do.

I enjoy digging deep into source code, research layers of software, think about its architecture, and stuff like that. Sometimes, well, to tell the truth, pretty often I would pull sources from github of a project I like to test it and to see what’s inside. Thats for you to understand what the type or software developer I am.

When I’ve started working on Pixboost my first intention was to build as much functionality as I can, because I felt that our team is capable of doing it. And it really is.

Luckily, same time I’ve got into concept of a minimum viable product delivery. It is a very popular concept among startup people. Thinking through it I’ve realised that we definitely should apply this when designing a software architecture for Pixboost.

So, I’ve decided to give this concept a go in terms of a software design. Now we concentrate on making Pixboost the most lightweight and easy to setup solution on the market.

I would not lie to you, it was very hard to chose only 4 endpoints. Which are fit, resize, optimize and asis (to deliver an original image really fast through CDN). Instead of creating numerous endpoints my team and I concentrated on the clean and scalable architecture of our solution.

Choosing Quality over quantity approach was definitely the right decision for Pixboost. Because we ended up with lightweight, clean, rock-solid, fast, easily approachable service. Much faster than we ever expected.

So, for anyone who is designing their first application I would suggest to think about minimum functionality first as it would be easier to keep the code clean, the endpoints in working order, and the first customers happy.




Dmitry Pokidov

I’m a CTO of — boosting performance and conversion of your online store.