Web Performance News, April 2020

Dmitry Pokidov
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2020

Hey there,

We skipped March because it was crazy! Our priority was to keep ourselves and close ones safe. We hope that all the curves will be flattened soon!

We’ve got quite a few blogs and videos in our April edition. So, let’s check them out!

One of the biggest web performance events is #PerfMatters Conference and it happened in April! It was fully remote this year, and you could find pretty much every video on youtube using “#PerfMatters Conference 2020” search term. My favourites so far are

Responsive Images for the Web by @TheGreenGreek:

Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift by @anniesullie:

@robinrendle created a neat web performance checklist that you could find and use here. I found it quite comprehensive and detailed! Highly recommend using for your every web project!

A New major version of Lighthouse is coming, and things are going to change! Read this awesome blog by @fox about scoring algorithm changes.

@tunetheweb published a very detailed article on why you should set width and height on your images and how to avoid layout shifts.

This is not an article, but a new feature in Chrome Dev Tools, which I think is very important — you can now simulate different types of colour blindness!

That’s it for today. I hope you liked it. To not miss future releases subscribe on our email newsletter here.



Dmitry Pokidov

I’m a CTO of pixboost.com — boosting performance and conversion of your online store.