Web Performance News, January 2020

Dmitry Pokidov
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020
CRP steps by Rodolfo Gonçalves. Source: https://itnext.io/high-performance-web-apps-2a469cfd3550

Aloha everyone!

While some of us were resting during the festive season (totally me), others were writing blog posts! December and start of January were hot on good content. So, let’s get ball rolling:

Google planning a new ‘Badge of Shame’ for slow websitesMachMetrics wrote about plans that Google has in regards to introduce an indicator for slow/fast websites. In this blog, you’ll find the author’s thoughts and links to the various discussions in the community.

Getting Started with Web Performance@fox wrote a fantastic intro to “Web Performance”. If you are new to the subject and wondering what it is all about, then you should check it out.

Front-End Performance Checklist 2020Smashing Magazine released its front end performance checklist 2020 editions. It covers all aspects of web performance from A to Z. I would recommend reading the whole thing for anyone who is touching web dev.

How to read a WebPageTest Waterfall View chart@TheRealNooshy wrote an in-depth guide on waterfall charts that you get from WebPageTest. If you haven’t used webpagetest.org before, it’s a good time to start! It’s the essential tool in the web performance toolbox.

High Performance Web Apps@orenciorodolfo wrote a blog about how browsers are rendering the page, what is “Critical Rendering Path” and what you could do to start showing your page faster. I found this one to be very explanatory with amazing illustrations. It describes complex things in a straightforward and clear way.

Improving third-party web performance@digitalclubb shared slides from the presentation he did. You’ll find out what processes you need to introduce in your project to get 3rd party dependencies under control.

Some other news:

Correct Image Orientation in Chrome@Paul_Kinlan announced that image orientation bug got fixed and will be shipped in version 81 of the browser. Long story short, Chrome will use orientation from an image EXIF metadata to show if it’s not set in image-orientation CSS attribute.

This is it for now. Follow us on Medium or subscribe to the email newsletter to not miss new episodes!

Stay safe and load fast!



Dmitry Pokidov

I’m a CTO of pixboost.com — boosting performance and conversion of your online store.