Overwatch 2 Healer Tier List Rankings — The Best Support Heroes for Season 11

Zachary Chester
Pixel Chronicles
Published in
4 min read21 hours ago
Overwatch 2 Season 11 Healer Tier List featuring top support heroes including Lucio, Kiriko, and Baptiste.

Welcome to our definitive Overwatch 2 Healer Tier List for Season 11. With the latest balance changes, it’s crucial to know which support heroes will keep your team alive and lead you to victory. Let’s dive in and explore the best healers in the current meta.

Overwatch 2 Healer Tier List Overview

S-Tier Healers

  • Lucio
  • Kiriko
  • Baptiste

A-Tier Healers

  • Illari
  • Brigitte
  • Ana

B-Tier Healers

  • Mercy
  • Lifeweaver

C-Tier Healers

  • Moira
  • Zenyatta

Overwatch 2 Healer Tier List Commentary

This tier list is designed to help you understand which healers are most effective in the current meta. While hero strength can be important, remember that your skill and playstyle are the ultimate determinants of success. If you’re thriving with an off-meta pick, keep at it!

Season 11 Meta Insights

Key Changes and Healer Highlights

The Season 10 Armor Health rework has carried over to Season 11. Armor now provides a flat damage reduction of 5 per projectile, up to 50%, impacting how support heroes need to strategize their healing and utility.

S-Tier Healers

  • Lucio: Lucio’s unmatched team mobility and adaptability make him a top pick. His speed boost and healing aura are invaluable, especially with the resurgence of strong tanks like Reinhardt.
  • Kiriko: Despite some nerfs, Kiriko remains a top-tier support. Her healing, mobility, and utility, including the crucial Protection Suzu, keep her at the forefront of the support meta.
  • Baptiste: Baptiste excels with his AoE healing and DPS capabilities. His Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix make him a versatile and powerful healer, especially effective in rush compositions.

A-Tier Healers

  • Illari: Illari’s strong single-target healing and damage-dealing abilities make her a solid choice. Her ability to support from various positions on the battlefield adds to her effectiveness.
  • Brigitte: Brigitte’s hybrid support/tank role and her ability to provide armor and crowd control keep her as a valuable A-Tier pick. She is particularly effective in brawly team compositions.
  • Ana: Ana’s long-range healing and powerful anti-healing abilities are always useful. Her Nano Boost can turn the tide of battles, making her a strong A-Tier healer.

B-Tier Healers

  • Mercy: Mercy’s single-target healing and mobility are her strengths. While not as dominant in the current meta, she remains effective with her Resurrect and Valkyrie abilities.
  • Lifeweaver: Lifeweaver brings unique utility with his ability to reposition allies and create platforms. His healing output is moderate, making him a situational but useful pick.

C-Tier Healers

  • Moira: Moira’s high healing output and damage make her versatile, but she lacks the utility and game-changing abilities of higher-tier supports.
  • Zenyatta: Zenyatta offers strong damage and Discord Orb for enemy debuffs, but his lack of mobility and lower healing output place him in the C-Tier for this season.

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Overwatch 2 now features five players per team instead of six, reducing the number of tanks to one. This change impacts support roles significantly, as there is now less crowd control and fewer shields, leading to more skirmishes and duels.

How Tiers Work

  • S-Tier: Best heroes with high presence across most maps and compositions.
  • A-Tier: Great choices, effective in many scenarios but slightly less versatile than S-tier.
  • B-Tier: Specialized heroes with lower overall presence, often overshadowed by better picks.
  • C-Tier: Situational heroes, rarely used except in specific scenarios or map halves.

Best Support Heroes in Overwatch 2


  • Lucio: Lucio’s speed boost and healing aura are invaluable for keeping the team mobile and healthy. His Sound Barrier is crucial in clutch situations, making him a top-tier healer.
  • Kiriko: Kiriko’s healing output, combined with her mobility and Protection Suzu, provides excellent support. Her Kitsune Rush can turn the tide of fights, securing her spot in the S-Tier.
  • Baptiste: Baptiste’s versatile healing and damage capabilities, along with his game-changing Immortality Field, make him a formidable support hero. His Amplification Matrix further boosts his team’s effectiveness.


  • Illari: Illari’s single-target healing and offensive capabilities make her a strong support choice. Her ability to adapt to different battlefield scenarios keeps her in the A-Tier.
  • Brigitte: Brigitte’s ability to provide armor and control enemies while healing makes her a valuable support. She excels in close-quarters combat and brawly team compositions.
  • Ana: Ana’s long-range healing and powerful anti-healing grenades make her a staple in many team compositions. Her Nano Boost can turn the tide of battles, maintaining her position in the A-Tier.


  • Mercy: Mercy’s strong single-target healing and mobility keep her in the B-Tier. Her Resurrect ability can be game-changing, and her Valkyrie ultimate provides significant healing and damage boosts.
  • Lifeweaver: Lifeweaver’s unique abilities to reposition allies and create platforms add strategic depth. His moderate healing output makes him a situational but useful pick in certain team compositions.


  • Moira: Moira’s high healing output and damage potential are offset by her lack of utility compared to other supports. While versatile, she doesn’t offer the same game-changing abilities as higher-tier supports.
  • Zenyatta: Zenyatta’s damage and Discord Orb are powerful tools, but his lack of mobility and lower healing output place him in the C-Tier. He remains effective in the right hands but is less versatile in the current meta.


Our Overwatch 2 Healer Tier List for Season 11 provides a detailed guide to the best support heroes in the current meta. While meta picks can give you an edge, remember that your skill and adaptability are the true keys to success. Keep experimenting and refining your playstyle to climb the ranks.

Stay tuned for more updates and strategies as we continue to analyze and adapt to the evolving landscape of Overwatch 2.



Zachary Chester
Pixel Chronicles

I collaborate with influencers to create opportunities for retail brands and boost player engagement.